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Breaking News: Joe Paterno Near Death

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Default Reports out that Joe Paterno on his death bed

Wow - what a horrible year for JoePa. I said a long time ago that without football, I didn't think he'd live any longer. Hoping for a miracle hear. Prayers to him and his family in this awful time.

Default Shocking news about Paterno

I knew of Paterno being sick ,but they said he was going to make it with the type of cancer that was treatable, well looks like he will get judged about what happened with that Sadowsky issue I believe the greatest of all, will be judging him .. all I can say Is Lord if Joe is guilty take care of business if he is not be kind to him. I will pray for the coach


oh please, he didnt try to cover up anything and if someone knocked on your door and said they say a kid being molested in your backyard, you wouldn't call the police either. Just using an example is all. Its obvious he has been pre alzheimers for years and his assistants did the majority of work