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Quote Originally Posted by Smoke View Post
Paco that guy in ur avatar looks farmiliar
yeah, you're going to see a bullet hole through his head on tv someday soon or any other moron that wants to show their "duty."


Quote Originally Posted by brooks85 View Post
yeah, you're going to see a bullet hole through his head on tv someday soon or any other moron that wants to show their "duty."
Stfu hillbilly incest trailer trash


Quote Originally Posted by Ghenghis Kahn View Post
fyi, he didn't get rivered...
Technically not but that case A was just a disgusting card. I mean can you imagine getting that card to make your hand and then getting beat by the only hand that can beat you? Pretty brutal. The guy getting his swerve on walking away was pretty classic.


Quote Originally Posted by paco View Post
I think that was poster Mikejamm
Oh look, our local piece of shit wanna be terrorist showed up! Stone any of your wives lately, you goat fuk'in allah ass smelling dick eater? Just remember, you phony losing bettor, our drones are always watching your stupid ass! Ready to drop the next smart bomb on you and all your dumb fuk child raping followers. Wiped my ass with the koran again today, man if felt good to put my shit where it belongs!Now, go make another "if this loses I wont post for a year" thread, camel fuker!
Last edited by mikejamm; 08-18-15 at 11:36 PM.


Quote Originally Posted by grease lightnin View Post
Really what is with the Isis recruitment avatar?
That it is exactly what this piece of shit paco dik supports. He's too much of a pussy to actually go back to his shit hole terrorist country and man up. He knows our fuk'in drones would immediately waste his wimpy fuk'in ass into a pile rotting flesh!

This pussy paco, grease, is the scum who cheered when reporter Daniel Pearl was beheaded. And supports women who are murdered by their stinking shit hole muslim husbands for not "following" the law of goat fuker mo-homo-med He's a fuk'in waste of space living here in America. Not to worry though, he's on the terrorist watch list.
Last edited by mikejamm; 08-18-15 at 11:52 PM.