originally posted on 06/28/2014:

Quote Originally Posted by stevenash View Post
She doesn't care
Irrelevant to the statement made by Dirty Sanchez... which is what I was responding to.
C'mon nasher... you're sharper than THAT.

Coulter is a transparent-as-they-come 2-bit pseudo intellectual provocateur.

And as far as making money goes, pffft, so does Bieber.
Doesn't necessarily equate to quality of anything.
There's Dylan, then there's Bieber.
There's Krauthammer, then there's Coulter.
Gaps of quality in those illustrations as wide as Jenna Jameson's cooch.

And daner... I'll have you know I won't fukk any woman as disgustingly vile as Ann Coulter.
I'll only allow them to blow me.