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1.4/-250 odds are the worst

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Default 1.4/-250 odds are the worst

I don't know what it is about those odds but no matter what I pick it loses even though statistically it's highly likely to win. Mind you I almost never take those odds, maybe 1 pick out of 100, but when I do it loses at least half the time.

Soccer dog +1.5 = 2:0
Soccer megafav = 1:1
Soccer over 2.5 = 1:1
Soccer over 1.5 = 1:0
Hockey dog +1.5 = 4:1
Volleybal over 3.5 sets = dog wins 3:0 because of course
Tennis alt spread = dog gets destroyed

The worst thing is that you have to stake big at those odds to make it worth it but it's never worth it. Every loss at those odds feels horrible because it should've won. Losses at plus odds feel normal because according to the market they're supposed to lose and if they win you feel sharp and collect a decent win.