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One basic concept about playing Poker. The top-players do this the best:

* How do you adjust to your opponent?

The most obvious adjustment...Does Villain bluff? The adjustments are pretty obvious:

1) If he's a straight-fwd player (and most ARE)...u don't pay off on 2nd pair. He's not bluffing.

2) If a Villain bluffs a lot...you have to call-down lighter. He might be bluffing. Take a good look at a poker-board and how the cards run out. By the time u get to river, there normally aren't THAT MANY value-hands.


Sorry guys, screen grab was showing on my end yesterday and now gone. I'll get it back up a little later.

-Chucky: Don't really have a favorite poker player but I tend to root for the older guys and against the math wiz kids. If I had to choose an all time fav it would be Amirillo Slim. First poker book I ever read was about him and it has kind of stuck with me. Great stories in that book. "Amirillo Slim in a world full of fat people" is the title of the book. Check it out.


Quote Originally Posted by astro61200 View Post
All I see for the screen grab is a gray circle with a white minus symbol on it.

Also, am I the only person who doesn't play with their chips when playing live?
I don't, aside from the occasional restacking...never learned even the simplest chip shuffling tricks. I often wonder if it's easier to have a controlled fidget than just trying to stay still/act natural, but never cared enough to practice.


Quote Originally Posted by Triple_D_Bet View Post

I don't, aside from the occasional restacking...never learned even the simplest chip shuffling tricks. I often wonder if it's easier to have a controlled fidget than just trying to stay still/act natural, but never cared enough to practice.
I think a big shit eatin grin whilst lookin em straight in the eye, gets more reaction from the other player (or puts them off) than most things you can do.

Not that I care too much about tells either.