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Rugby League World Cup 2013

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Quote Originally Posted by davopnz View Post
go to players talk you absolute degenerate, spineless piece of worthless shite, hope you are enjoying losing your play you fcuking sheep of a man.
Hey fkin clown? Did you not comprehend what I just told you? You want me to repeat my self clown? Go to soccer section and check, you dickrider. Now keep quite and remain in the corner where you belong.


mate i don't give two shits whether it's in the pussy fiddling section or not that's not sandos fault, he's posted this in players talk. it's not his fault that some diving degenerate like you saw his thread and couldn't resist tailing his plays and then getting upset about it because you have a massive void in your life. get the penetrate out of here you spineless jellyfish.


Quote Originally Posted by davopnz View Post
mate i don't give two shits whether it's in the pussy fiddling section or not that's not sandos fault, he's posted this in players talk. it's not his fault that some diving degenerate like you saw his thread and couldn't resist tailing his plays and then getting upset about it because you have a massive void in your life. get the penetrate out of here you spineless jellyfish.
Shut your fkin mouth you fkin worthless piece of shit. I make more money in an hour than what's in your safe you stupid fuk. What did I tell ya? Keep your fkin mouth shut already, I didn't let you talk, don't respond to me you stupid fk. Go play outside now.


Quote Originally Posted by edabramov View Post
That's a joke right? First time I tail someone on foreign sport in about 2 months, this is why I don't tail anyone. Don't post these ghay rugby sht in soccer section.
Yes I'm mad.
If you are stupid enough to tail someone else at least do not be an idiot and post about it


rofl you make more money in an hour than whats in my safe? so why are you tailing someone on a sport you don't know? and then having a cry because you're losing? get your finger out of your fcuking arse mate, you're clearly an insecure degenerate with a massive void in his life, do yourself a massive favour and sort your problems out.


Quote Originally Posted by davopnz View Post
rofl you make more money in an hour than whats in my safe? so why are you tailing someone on a sport you don't know? and then having a cry because you're losing? get your finger out of your fcuking arse mate, you're clearly an insecure degenerate with a massive void in his life, do yourself a massive favour and sort your problems out.
Because I can afford to unlike you. You're a piece of sht who will fail if he loses one game, so go fk your self. The only reason I'm talking is because this sht is in Soccer and it needs to be moved away. Now for the 3rd time, keep your mouth shut.