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****Rufin had to continue his match this morning after splitting sets yesterday. He served really well & had some break chances early. He finally go the break easily at 3-3. He held serve twice at love & won the third set 6-3!!!
This actually meant yesterday was a great day at 4-1, with the one loss only being a 1/2 unit play. But the two plays that were pending, are going on todays record as stated yesterday in the thread.

Play #1 - CASH IT (was pending from yesterday) - 1u to pay 0.68u

Play #5 - CASH IT (was pending from yesterday) - 1.5u to pay 0.54u


Update Play #1: Whew! Baghdatis played a horrible opening set, but my gut told me that all he needed was a break in the second set to get his fire going. He had chances early & finally broke Brown at 2-2 in the second. He held serve to take the second. He again got an early break in the third set & kept the momentum going. He continued to hold serve to win the third set and the match 1-6, 6-4, 6-4. I just knew there was no way Brown was going to play 2 quality sets against a player of Baghdatis strength. Bags into the next round.
Waiting for Cipolla to cash this ticket....


Thanks Rory! I needed Rufin to win that match this morning bec the Lakers didnt cover last night, those bastards, LOL!!! I seem to have caught a hot streak lately. I do this from quite often, so I hope to keep it rolling I have learned over time, that sometimes the best bets are the matches you don't take. Way too many trap lines out there. BOL today sir!


I just got back on the site. I don't know if the match has started yet. Should be a close one or 3 sets. Depends on how Muller is serving. He has that huge lefty serve. If he has it, Schwank is in trouble. I do know that BOTH players should get a good ammount of break chances today, so the match could swing up & down. I just can't ever bet on Schwank after I saw him get booed off the court for lack of effort. I stayed away from this one bec I could see an upset if Schwank was favored.


Update for Play #2: Tsonga was just plain terrible. For being a top ranked pro in the world, he sure does play some crappy matches from time to time. Just my luck to catch him when he played pathetic. I never saw Haas beating a top 10 player in the world. Tsonga only won 38 points & was off the court in less than one hour. Play #2 is a loss


****Was put in on girls phone, so I couldn't post it or do write up. I do want to include it in my thread bec I am tracking ALL my tennis plays here for the year. It was a small payout, so its not going to make a difference hardly at all. I just want to keep my personal record/stats in order. That was the whole reason I started this thread. And I figured if I could help some people along the way with picks or give them information they can use on their own.......then even better.

Play #3

Gasquet -500
Haase -400

Total = apprx. -265
1u / 0.38u


Update for Play #1: Well, I am a little surprised to say the least. Cipolla was the first true test for de la Nava this week & I guess he didn't play all that well. I really thought Cipolla had a good draw to some damage this week.......guess I thought wrong. There was an AMAZING 35 break points in this match!!! Cipolla fought off 16 break points, but got broken 6 times!! De la Nava saved 9 out of 13 break points! I didn't see the match, but the stats look like a WTA event!!!!! I'm not sure what to say here...........
First leg came in, Cipolla did not, he lost 4-6 4-6. Play #1 is a loss


Play #3 - CASH IT

Gasquet blew out Lorenzi 6-1, 6-1. I was wondering if Lorenzi would push Gasquet bec he has won so many matches this year & done very well on the Challanger level. But that success on that level did not make a difference. Gasquet beat Lorenzi down easy. Ouch is all I can say for Lorenzi, Gasquet was playing really really good the first set I saw.
Haase was down 2-5 in the first set. He got it all the way back to 5-5 and then lost the next two games to drop the opening set. I thought at this point, he might be finished & my day was looking rough! But he caught a gear and didn't hold back the next two sets, winning those rather comfortably. So Haase wins in 3 sets, 5-7 6-4 6-2.


****All in all, a wacky day for me!! I had the two one unit wagers pending from yesterday & both of those came in for us. Then I proceeded to lose BOTH my one unit plays today early on! Only had one loss on both! One ticket, the huge fav losses to crash it. On the next, the better odd exp player losses to crash it. Then I throw one more play in while I'm at my sons field day real fast & although the payout was terrible, it came in. So I will update my daily record & overall record below.
Last edited by Dmoneytx; 05-02-12 at 03:01 PM. Reason: grammer correction


***I am defiently putting my plays up tonight before I go to sleep. I can't do them in the morning so lets hope for a good day tomm! I am kind of pissed about today, we could of had a decent winning day if only ONE of those two parlay losses would of come in. As always, BOL in your other sports today & tonight!!!