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bookmaker & justbet graded my trump/biden ticket a loss before swearing-in ceremony

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Quote Originally Posted by BAC View Post

biden win? sources??
Seriously, do you pull this nonsense with all your losing sports bets too? Do you want a recount on the points scored by the Jets on Sunday? Were there TD's they scored that were not counted?


Quote Originally Posted by BAC View Post

biden win? sources??

Electoral College makes it official: Biden won, Trump lost

By MARK SHERMANDecember 15, 2020

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Electoral College decisively confirmed Joe Biden as the nation’s next president, ratifying his November victory in an authoritative state-by-state repudiation of President Donald Trump’s refusal to concede he had lost.
The presidential electors on Monday gave Biden a solid majority of 306 electoral votes to Trump’s 232, the same margin that Trump bragged was a landslide when he won the White House four years ago.



Quote Originally Posted by BAC View Post
you have sources from .gov ?

because the media doesn't decided who the president is
The Electoral College does(unfortunately, hope that changes), and they have spoken.
But actually I'm on your side. How Bookmaker worded the bet, they shouldn't have paid it out until Jan 20th. They are doing a solid for the winners. For loser tickets like you hold, it doesn't really matter when they grade it a loser, today or Jan 20th, it's still a loser. But for consistency purposes they should wait until Jan 20th. I have a Kamala as next POTUS ticket with Bookmaker that they graded a loser on election day. If G-d forbid Biden gets sick and can't serve between now and then, she'll be inaugurated and will be the winner and I'll be revisiting that with Bookmaker.
Last edited by TheGuesser; 12-16-20 at 09:49 PM.


Quote Originally Posted by BAC View Post
"Under 12th Amendment VP Pence has plenary power to reject contested electors and accept Trump electors."

Pence will preside over the joint session in Congress on Jan. 6, but federal law stipulates his role is to open and count electoral votes, not weigh in on whether they are valid.


Quote Originally Posted by HedgeHog View Post
LOL, if Biden had lost and pulled this same BS, you'd be bitching about your winning ticket not being graded. Stop being a pussy, you lost your Trump bet a month ago.
Can your daddy also beat up his daddy? Where are you pulling this BS from? Maybe the bolded is something you would do, but theres no reason to talk down to someone for how someone would deal with a scenario thats made up in your head.

& so what anyways? The ticket shouldn't have been graded yet per rules. Aren't rules a thing?

You same jackasses fk all of the honest bettors over by taking handouts from books, applauding them when they do 'player friendly' shit and never once care for the rules being applied, and the people that get ****** when they aren't.

I don't know the OP Personally, and don't care. The complaint is valid. Anyone who doesn't see the validity or brings up anything aside from the application of the rule is a jackass troll with no integrity. Period.


Quote Originally Posted by big joe 1212 View Post
I’ve been waiting for weeks for them to grade my Trump bet

So glad they did it. I was tired of seeing that pending bet.

It also fukks up your rollover if you bust out before meeting the rollover cause that pending bet will force the calculator not to reset.
Good point Joe.

It doesn't matter anyway, if BAC is correct in his interpretation of their rules, which he reports Bookmaker have confirmed to him, then should anything happen to result in Trump remaining in office, then Trump bettors would be paid.

Earliest possible grading is good for all.
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Quote Originally Posted by BAC View Post
"Under 12th Amendment VP Pence has plenary power to reject contested electors and accept Trump electors."
No, his powers are largely ceremonial at that stage. It has to be that way given how often a VP is actually a Presidential candidate - eg Al Gore presided over the count that saw him lose in 2000.

Wrt contested electors: it would need a state legislature to pass a law to override the vote, then you'd have two sets of electors. That hasn't happened anywhere yet though, and is highly unlikely. Even if it did happen, it'd never pass through the necessary votes in Congress, and thus the original electors from the governor would stand.


Quote Originally Posted by Optional View Post
Good point Joe.

It doesn't matter anyway, if BAC is correct in his interpretation of their rules, which he reports Bookmaker have confirmed to him, then should anything happen to result in Trump remaining in office, then Trump bettors would be paid.

Earliest possible grading is good for all.
Yeah, I don't see any problem for Trump bettors in the case of Trump remaining in office. Surely bettors will be paid immediately, won't need to fight Bookmaker for reversals. This wouldn't create an enormous issue. I can't even imagine a scenario where Bookmaker would say 'sorry guys, but the bets were final'. Never seen a problem with a book circling back to do the right thing. 5Dimes paying out customers fairly for their markets was surely done too. No threads exist on Bookmaker being as stubborn as they get and being unwilling to reverse misgrades without pulling teeth.

Seriously, wtf did I just read? Just follow the rules. You're living in some fantasy world where you're okay with putting punters at the mercy of books to do the right thing, and put all of the work and toll on punters who wouldn't need to fight anything if the rules were simply followed. After the way you forgave 5Dimes countlessly for not following their rules because if benefited you (Nascar race wins), and taking a neutral stance on players not getting paid - expecting 5Dimes to 'do the right thing' how can you be so naive here onto thinking its okay and 'good for all' for rules not to be followed and set up a scenario where backers get screwed?