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WSEX Slow Payout Updates

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Damn, hope it's just temporary for all the current bag holders. I got out over a year ago and it took me a year and constant bitching, 3rd party checks and repeated threats. So glad I got out, even though I tore up their live betting even with my satellite dish being so delayed.


i just called them. answered the phone in 2 rings. i was told they are working on the license and will be done soon. also told me the only delay in payouts is still with checks going to the US. i did a b2b with MATCH couple weeks ago for $2500. asked for a check on 11/11 also. told should be getting that 1st or 2nd week of january. if the checks i ask for take 2 months. i can live with it. i like the way WSEX is set up. like playing there. they did pay me all i had coming even if it did take 7 and a half months for the last check. i continue to play there. more than ever. i may be saying 'how dumb i was to continue to play there after all the slow pay'. but, i don't think so. or at least i hope i do not end up regretting what i've known for a long time. get out while you can , with your money.


Quote Originally Posted by relaaxx View Post
i just called them. answered the phone in 2 rings. i was told they are working on the license and will be done soon. also told me the only delay in payouts is still with checks going to the US. i did a b2b with MATCH couple weeks ago for $2500. asked for a check on 11/11 also. told should be getting that 1st or 2nd week of january. if the checks i ask for take 2 months. i can live with it. i like the way WSEX is set up. like playing there. they did pay me all i had coming even if it did take 7 and a half months for the last check. i continue to play there. more than ever. i may be saying 'how dumb i was to continue to play there after all the slow pay'. but, i don't think so. or at least i hope i do not end up regretting what i've known for a long time. get out while you can , with your money.
yes, no surprise that they will do what they can to put a positive spin on it
any explanation as to why their licence lapsed?
regardless of what they say this announcement is only going to compound things for them and those with funds still there as there will now surely be a stampede to withdraw when news of this gets around


Football season is starting to wind down and WSEX has failed to close out its existing debt. According to the last SBR news feed item on the matter, WSEX still owes at least $171,253 to players. In the last month, this thread has slowed down. There are few significant new payments to report. Unfortunately, the indications are that WSEX has failed to right the ship. I see no reason for optimism going forward.


Their Moneybookers withdraws are also well behind compared to when football season began. They haven't responded to email/s like the beginning of the season either.

Matchbook has resumed allowing book transfer/s after cutting me off previously as long as I end up transferring the same amount back to WSEX before any further withdraw. So in essence you provide some desperately needed liquidity to MB, and end up "despositing" back to WSEX.

Sounds like everyone tore up the live betting so no big surprise. And for those wanting to keep that a secret maybe this will add to more deposits, but I doubt it. The book is too easy to beat on various levels I never came close to busting out from a one-time trial deposit, and am most convinced I am not alone.


Quote Originally Posted by Hareeba! View Post
yes, no surprise that they will do what they can to put a positive spin on it
any explanation as to why their licence lapsed?
regardless of what they say this announcement is only going to compound things for them and those with funds still there as there will now surely be a stampede to withdraw when news of this gets around
I don't know why that licenser just now put out the notice they lost their license. It happened nearly 12 months ago. I suppose WSEX has continued to try to claim being licensed in Antigua and finally the directorate decided to issue this statement. This should not change the situation of WSEX, only brings new light to it.


They have really ruined my BR by not being able to move it or use it or really have any kind of real access to it month after month after month.

They have also really ruined my perception of the industry. They were rated A+ not too long ago and now look. Nothing is safe offshore and never will be. This book is proof. Who's next?

May have to quit all together solely because of this book.

It is hard enough to win in this biz and then you compound these types of problems so I begin to think is it even worth it anymore?

Im starting to think the answer is no.


Not to mention the customer service there doesn't even care. How can management not be able to find a solution to this mess after a year and a half??? No statements, no nothing just same old B.S. nothing new from them month after month. Its absolutely incredible. It really seems like they just dont care.

All their response emails are the same. If you read between the lines they all go just like this one.

Dear Sir

Thank you for contacting us but we are broke as phuck right now so there is absolutely nothing we can do for you.

We are waiting on new deposits that are seemingly not coming through at the moment.

We ask that you get down on your knees and pray to your chosen god every night before you go to sleep that money will magically fall into our lap.

As soon as that happens you will be notified with a tracking number.

Thanks for your continued patience and feel free to contact us anytime,

Thank you for choosing wsex.