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Quote Originally Posted by BriGuy View Post
Well he must be doing something right because he gained in the polls over the past 10 days.

Last edited by DwightShrute; 04-29-24 at 12:58 PM.


Alvin Bragg’s prosecution is a sad continuation of a long line of Democratic attempts to get President Trump. From the 2016 Russia hoax to the copycat political prosecutions in Atlanta and Washington going on today, Democrats have put America through eight years of turmoil all because of politics.

Americans see through this charade. They intuitively know when someone’s getting a raw deal. They see crime in Manhattan as Bragg spends his time prosecuting a president for political reasons. They see violent criminals roaming the streets and local businesses shutting down because it’s unsafe. Americans are smarter than Democrats give them credit for. Americans understand that politics is why President Trump is on trial.

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Quote Originally Posted by BriGuy View Post
Well he must be doing something right because he gained in the polls over the past 10 days.

polls have had a horrendous record for several years
and for every poll showing one thing I could find you another showing the opposite

but that's all irrelevant
the point is that TFG has been whining repeatedly about his court appearances impeding his campaigning, yet when he gets an opportunity to campaign he chooses to play golf instead


It should be evident to anyone who actually watched the State of the Union, the Howard Stern interview, or the Correspondents' dinner speech that Joe Biden is sharp as a tack, quick witted, kindhearted, possesses a sense of humour, and can take a joke.

Remember that
TFG spurned attending the Correspondents' dinners because he couldn't take a joke.


Quote Originally Posted by DwightShrute View Post
Do do this a lot. You focus on failures but ignore accomplishments. That is MSM indoctrination 101. You seem to forget a lot of things Trump did and he did them despite the democrats and the MSM (and even some swamp republicans) attacking him with fabricated personal narratives, inventing and repeating dozens of lies like Russian Collusion, and calling him an illegitimate president from day one.

Frankly, its amazing he was able to do anything and he did keep more campaign promises that any president ever. I read that somewhere. Wall, several Middle East peace deals, tax reform, recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and moved the American embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, negotiated NAFTA, 10% tariff on China, got several NATO countries to pay billions and several more.

What has Biden accomplished so far? Crickets.

Massive difference. Biden can only run on attacking Trump. He can't run on any of his accomplishments.

See, this is your thing never addressing the topic at hand. Why because you know you have to find somewhere you think you are actually correct. Someone else, NOT ME POSTED A VIDEO, I comment on that video only, in a repost to it.
Then I have done something against, finding other accomplishments that have nothing to do with my post. Why were actual accomplishment not posted with that glaring shout out, about being honest and tough when neither were in the video. Well, talking tough not being tough.
Dwight you are probably the best at finding something other than what is being talked about, to find a way to move to something you think you are right about. Usually, another Fox talking point.

Biden has had some big wins but that has nothing to do with my post.
Trump doing away with the mandatory fee on insurance was an
Last edited by jackpot269; 04-29-24 at 04:03 PM.


Dwight said,

Frankly, its amazing he was able to do anything and he did keep more campaign promises that any president ever. I read that somewhere. Wall, several Middle East peace deals, tax reform, r
ecognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and moved the American embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, negotiated NAFTA, 10% tariff on China, got several NATO countries to pay billions and several more.

Who keep the 2 most campaign promises ?

When Trump was campaigning, he never said he would do something if the Democrats didn't stop him. Also, he had both chambers of congress for two years. In his words he was the greatest negotiator in the world, and he would work with democrats and compromise and come up with bills so not to govern thru executive order.

The tax reform for the rich and corporation was a big win for Trump and his friends, not so much for working Joe, way to top heavy.

Trump went back and lowed a lot of the tariffs, when China said they would buy 200 million more in USA products but:
It’s on track to purchase only 60% of the goods it committed to buy, according to Chad Bown, a senior fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics who tracks China’s purchases.

US importers have paid nearly $123 billion to cover the cost of the China tariffs since 2018, according to US Customs and Border Protection.


Quote Originally Posted by jackpot269 View Post
See, this is your thing never addressing the topic at hand. Why because you know you have to find somewhere you think you are actually correct. Someone else, NOT ME POSTED A VIDEO, I comment on that video only, in a repost to it.
Then I have done something against, finding other accomplishments that have nothing to do with my post. Why were actual accomplishment not posted with that glaring shout out, about being honest and tough when neither were in the video. Well, talking tough not being tough.
Dwight you are probably the best at finding something other than what is being talked about, to find a way to move to something you think you are right about. Usually, another Fox talking point.

Biden has had some big wins but that has nothing to do with my post.
Trump doing away with the mandatory fee on insurance was an
Take it easy Jack. I would say that I never address the topic is fake news. I found you post all over the place like a dog's breakfast. I really haven't a clue what its about except that you are obviously triggered and right on queue, you throw in the Fox News thing at the end.

All I will say is, I posted what I considered relevant to your post. You do focus on Trump's failures while omitting his successes. Everyone knows this. You can say you are in favor of the law being applied equally, but your words tell a different story. I am just telling you how it is. You are in denial if you can't see it. That doesn't make you a bad person. Let me put it another way. Let's say you are married and you are devoted to your wife. You would never cheat on her in a million years. However, when you are out having beers and watching the game with a couple buddies at the local pub, you can't help but notice the pretty girls. You do watch them as they walk in front of your table. Your friends all notice you checking them out but when they mention it, you say that you never noticed. You can deny it but they know.


Quote Originally Posted by DwightShrute View Post
Take it easy Jack. I would say that I never address the topic is fake news. I found you post all over the place like a dog's breakfast. I really haven't a clue what its about except that you are obviously triggered and right on queue, you throw in the Fox News thing at the end.

All I will say is, I posted what I considered relevant to your post. You do focus on Trump's failures while omitting his successes. Everyone knows this. You can say you are in favor of the law being applied equally, but your words tell a different story. I am just telling you how it is. You are in denial if you can't see it. That doesn't make you a bad person. Let me put it another way. Let's say you are married and you are devoted to your wife. You would never cheat on her in a million years. However, when you are out having beers and watching the game with a couple buddies at the local pub, you can't help but notice the pretty girls. You do watch them as they walk in front of your table. Your friends all notice you checking them out but when they mention it, you say that you never noticed. You can deny it but they know.
She knows I look.

I don't think anyone Rich or in a position of power should ever get treatment different than you or myself. If something I said makes it seem I believe differently than that I did a poor job passing on my beliefs.

I am the first to admit, I don't always articulate, as well as I would like. I blame the poor education system I attended.


Quote Originally Posted by jackpot269 View Post
She knows I look.

I don't think anyone Rich or in a position of power should ever get treatment different than you or myself. If something I said makes it seem I believe differently than that I did a poor job passing on my beliefs.

I am the first to admit, I don't always articulate, as well as I would like. I blame the poor education system I attended.
I get that. You have said that often. Yet, you will find every excuse to justify the weaponization of the justice system against Trump. A hush payment from 18 years ago which is done all the time. Nothing criminal about it. way past the statute of limitations. The feds looked into it and determined there was nothing wrong. Yet, a judge who's Biden donor and a DA who charged him with several counts which mean nothing except to keep Trump sitting in courts for weeks so he cannot do his campaign for president. Then the other AG who campaigned on getting Trump and another crooked democrat judge imposed a 500 million fine. Ya man, he is getting treated different that you and me. A lot different. Its election interference. Any intellectually honest person can see it.

Show Me the Man and I’ll Find You the Crime



Quote Originally Posted by DwightShrute View Post
Do do this a lot. You focus on failures but ignore accomplishments. That is MSM indoctrination 101. You seem to forget a lot of things Trump did and he did them despite the democrats and the MSM (and even some swamp republicans) attacking him with fabricated personal narratives, inventing and repeating dozens of lies like Russian Collusion, and calling him an illegitimate president from day one.

Frankly, its amazing he was able to do anything and he did keep more campaign promises that any president ever. I read that somewhere. Wall, several Middle East peace deals, tax reform, recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and moved the American embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, negotiated NAFTA, 10% tariff on China, got several NATO countries to pay billions and several more.

What has Biden accomplished so far? Crickets.

Massive difference. Biden can only run on attacking Trump. He can't run on any of his accomplishments.

Its funny how his stupid face fits well with that hair.


Quote Originally Posted by jackpot269 View Post
See, this is your thing never addressing the topic at hand. Why because you know you have to find somewhere you think you are actually correct. Someone else, NOT ME POSTED A VIDEO, I comment on that video only, in a repost to it.
Then I have done something against, finding other accomplishments that have nothing to do with my post. Why were actual accomplishment not posted with that glaring shout out, about being honest and tough when neither were in the video. Well, talking tough not being tough.
Dwight you are probably the best at finding something other than what is being talked about, to find a way to move to something you think you are right about. Usually, another Fox talking point.

Biden has had some big wins but that has nothing to do with my post.
Trump doing away with the mandatory fee on insurance was an
Correct, the only way Dwight can debate is to deflect. Or what about isms. His favorite is ad hominem and strawmaning. Let's not forget gaslighting.

You are also smarter than him by just knowing right from wrong. History will prove him the fool inevitably.
Last edited by khicks26; 04-29-24 at 07:04 PM.


Quote Originally Posted by Hareeba! View Post
It should be evident to anyone who actually watched the State of the Union, the Howard Stern interview, or the Correspondents' dinner speech that Joe Biden is sharp as a tack, quick witted, kindhearted, possesses a sense of humour, and can take a joke.

Remember that
TFG spurned attending the Correspondents' dinners because he couldn't take a joke.

Sharp as a tack . Lol ! Robert Hur begs to differ .