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Shooting at Elementary School in Texas

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Quote Originally Posted by stevenash View Post
Won't work, if one wants a gun bad enough, they'll get one.
So many ways to get a gun, you can get a 'ghost gun' very easily.
Shit, if one wants a gun so bad, one can make one.

Make it tougher for violent crime offenders to get out on bail might help.
Training law force enforcement better might be another answer.

I have a few ideas, ban all guns isn't going to do it.

The old adage still rings true.
"If you outlaw guns, only outlaws will have guns"
Always say if you want to ban guns lets ban em that means no security has them no politicians can have them no police can have them no judges can have them absolutely nobody can have them punishable by life in prison. When that law is passed I will get on board.


I know a family who has a kid who thinks the govt is tracking him. thinks his parents are trying to poison him. Nobody goes over their home because they are afraid of him. the kid is driving them broke and he can get assistance from the Gov’t but he wont sign the papers so the family continues to go broke. this kid is out there and there is no way to fix this unless you give him meds which he will not take. You just pray the kid never does anything. How many more kids are out there like this? My girl works with special needs kids and has to go to school with the one she works with. He is in a wheelchair and harmless but some of the other students are so out there that most of the teachers are scared.


Knife murders are also higher stateside: there were 4.96 homicides “due to knives or cutting instruments” in the US for every million of population in 2016.

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In Britain there were 3.26 homicides involving a sharp instrument per million people in the year from April 2016 to March 2017.



You cant work on anything when you have pieces of shit like this littered all over one party of gov’t

[IMG] [/IMG]

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Also, they are having their NRA EXHIBITION at George Brown Convention Center, Houston Texas 5/27 TO 5/29.Expecting over 80,000 people each night. They always got that special: Buy a gun ang get a holster for free!! Also states NO PERMIT NEEDED TO BUY A GUN. They are afraid they are going to run out of guns. Get there early!!
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Quote Originally Posted by JIBBBY View Post
Train and arm all the sissy woke teachers for starters. Armed guards and metal detectors at all the entries at the FULLY gated schools. Problem solved! Treat schools like a prison.
You can't stop someone shooting at you with an automatic rifle with a handgun. And you are not going to have automatic rifles in each classroom. The school will need an armory like military barracks where teachers will have to get their guns each morning to go to class. Might as well have them wear body armor.


Quote Originally Posted by cecil127 View Post
So? Nobody cares
This is the problem. NO ONE CARES. People hide behind bullshit 2nd amendment that was written 231 years ago. Meanwhile, hundreds of US citizens are dying each day to meaningless gun violence, suicide, etc. When will there be enough suffering for you to do something? How many more people have to die until it's someone that you love? I am to the point where I want ALL future gun manufacturing is outlawed. We do not need more guns. No more. Too many fukking idiots have guns. They are totally responsible and most have mental illness. Talk to 5 people, 1 is mentally ill. Why the fukk would I want them to have access to a gun? More guns do not make you more safe. Wake the fukk up.


Quote Originally Posted by Mac4Lyfe View Post
This is the problem. NO ONE CARES. People hide behind bullshit 2nd amendment that was written 231 years ago. Meanwhile, hundreds of US citizens are dying each day to meaningless gun violence, suicide, etc. When will there be enough suffering for you to do something? How many more people have to die until it's someone that you love? I am to the point where I want ALL future gun manufacturing is outlawed. We do not need more guns. No more. Too many fukking idiots have guns. They are totally responsible and most have mental illness. Talk to 5 people, 1 is mentally ill. Why the fukk would I want them to have access to a gun? More guns do not make you more safe. Wake the fukk up.

What a wanker.


Quote Originally Posted by mpaschal34 View Post
Shooter is not white….therefore it will be out the news cycle by tomorrow.
What a horrible take. Stop the bullshit. Stop trying to deflect. Who cares what color the shooter or victims are? It does not matter. Another mentally ill American has slaughtered innocent American children.


Quote Originally Posted by pavyracer View Post
Even if the school had security guards he would have been no match for these military grade weapons. The Buffalo store also had a security guard.
Not sure why 17-18 years olds can legally buy military grade weapons when obviously they are not buying them for personal protection but this is something to think about for the future.
I can't even remember when was the last time a 30 year old or older carried out one of those attacks. It's always young kids.
There's 30+ year old sickos out there as well but yes a lot of these shooters are young, disturbed teenagers.

NO ONE should be able to carry around these assault rifles. Ban them and lock up and throw away the key anyone that is caught carrying or modifying them. The 2nd amendment does not allow you to bear hand grenades, nuclear weapons, anti-tank artillery. This is crazy pants.