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Still think all those covid-19 deaths aren't a hoax????

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Quote Originally Posted by Ghenghis Kahn View Post
After this scamdemic, I realize 99% of the population in this world are complete morons. But once you're brainwashed and fear death, the criminals can virtually do anything. They've been collecting data on human psyche for a very long time.

Sadly, even when truth hits them in the face, they'll side with the corruption. These people (majority on SBR) are just fukking pathetic. These same pathetic bastards actually think people like Gates care for them while he says it openly he wants to get rid of billions of people through vaccines.

Remember this scam all started with "Two weeks to flatten the curve". Remember the 14 day incubation period? Lol 14 day incubation period. Dumb mother fukkers

I said it from day 1. This is nothing more than a strong flu
Know secret how the 1% controls 99%. Do have one question; Was the 1918 Pandemic a scam too? I'm clueless, if it was or wasn't, wasn't born. Not trying to start a fight. What I do know, Philly hit hard.


Quote Originally Posted by Ghenghis Kahn View Post
After this scamdemic, I realize 99% of the population in this world are complete morons. But once you're brainwashed and fear death, the criminals can virtually do anything. They've been collecting data on human psyche for a very long time.

Sadly, even when truth hits them in the face, they'll side with the corruption. These people (majority on SBR) are just fukking pathetic. These same pathetic bastards actually think people like Gates care for them while he says it openly he wants to get rid of billions of people through vaccines.

Remember this scam all started with "Two weeks to flatten the curve". Remember the 14 day incubation period? Lol 14 day incubation period. Dumb mother fukkers

I said it from day 1. This is nothing more than a strong flu

It's truly insane. If someone has the facade (because of being on TV, having more money, being successful and famous) of being this great noble, such as whom you decribed, they look up to these people as if they are God himself. They react, because they never are proactive other than for toilet paper, and all do exactly as they are told. Even mice on all kinds of fukked up drugs would be less compliant. Its embarrassing what people have become. The Television is a major major part of it all too. They act from shows they see on TV and compare people they meet in reality to TV characters. That's how stupid it has become. That's how much TV controls their brains.

Like I said in an earlier post, I refuse to help stupid sheep anymore. This was the end of it. There really is nothing you can say or do to prove to them they are brainwashed morons. I think it was meant to be this way in the end. Few that think for themselves.


Quote Originally Posted by Auto Donk View Post
cdc numbers on deaths of americans show all death causes like heart problems, diabetes, common flu, etc. are all down.......... not sure wtf these inflated death numbers are, other than it saying "our world" which sounds like total bs fake news to me.........

just check out our usa nos. in the cdc's own stats.... overall hundreds of thousands short of usual death stats, primarily to being locked down and not being able to kill each other, (shootings, traffic acccidents, other shit).... I see overall deaths in 2020 were way off.....

and, of course, all numbers of deaths for the various cv19 co-morbidities were way down, due to being mis-characterized as "cv-19 deaths"

I got in an argument with Willyboy when he kept posting his COVID shit every day/week thread of all those deaths. I pointed out to him exactly what you are talking about now back then. I even linked him directly to the CDC I believe. Surely, Willyboy vanished from the site with those threads after I challenged him. But, hey, good for him, he probably figured it out and thought fukk why am I doing this. Hopefully, I helped the dude out in real life and freed his mind.


Quote Originally Posted by stevenash View Post
Those who think COVID 19 is a hoax probably think Bush was in on the World Trade building bombings, and the moon landing was staged.
I love it when i see one of those jackasses shown the light. Remember the one moron who was posting i think it was Face book live saying it was fake. He was riding in car shares and not wear a mask . Then he gets nailed by Covid and the next thing you see he is posting from bed on Oxygen and he gave it to his wife who was on a ventilator. He said she was not doing good so there is a chance she died because of his stupidity. You can look it up his name was Brian Hitchens . So because he thought it was fake and went around preaching he probably ended up killing his wife.

I have been doing my job 16 years and never seen anything like this. I lost several clients 2 that i really liked i was actually friends with went out to dinner a few times. Both totally healthy . Both dead in a week. I called the ones wife up to give my condolences and she broke down . It was a hard call.

The difference between the flu and this is how it attacks the lungs. Once you end up on a ventilator odds are you will not make it. Yea the flu will create some breathing issues but not like this. My niece had this and it was really bad almost put on a ventilator. She has had the flu before this was different she and her dad both had it and came close to a ventilator. With the flu there are shots and remedies. With this once you get it it is like nothing works very well. My niece at one point could not take 2 steps without collapsing and had a 104 fever. I was so worried for my niece i was sending stuff on amazon that said it helps raise your immune system and lower a fever. I have both my nieces work for me and i have seen them sick before. This was different and the most worried i have ever been for her . Luckily and i am not saying it was from the stuff i sent her but after she started taking the stuff i sent the fever broke finally. So maybe it helped a little i was desperate to help her .

One of our agents had this too and it almost killed him he was in the hospital on oxygen for 3 weeks. He finally came home and pulled through but he will never be the same because a lot of the people that had covid even if they survive there will be issues permanently. Mostly breathing because it does so much damage so if you get close to being on a ventilator or oxygen you will probably never be the same again .

This is not a hoax . Between my job and family and friends i have easily known about 80 people that have had it.


Quote Originally Posted by Auto Donk View Post
one thing that is not fake for sure, is that the cdc confirms this year's flu season was totally wiped out by blovid-19........

from the cdc webpage mins ago:

I guess senile Joe thinks "green" is dark, thus his woefully inaccurate prediction of a "dark winter"........

ask yourself why are all common flu cases being cast as covid in this backwards ass thrid world Biden's America..........

One thing for sure, the democrats will eventually say, along with the fake news, that the illegal immigrants bombarding America do not have COVID. The dummies will say these illegals have the flu...

They will turn it around and their lemmings will believe every word..


Quote Originally Posted by captrobey View Post
I love it when i see one of those jackasses shown the light. Remember the one moron who was posting i think it was Face book live saying it was fake. He was riding in car shares and not wear a mask . Then he gets nailed by Covid and the next thing you see he is posting from bed on Oxygen and he gave it to his wife who was on a ventilator. He said she was not doing good so there is a chance she died because of his stupidity. You can look it up his name was Brian Hitchens . So because he thought it was fake and went around preaching he probably ended up killing his wife.

I have been doing my job 16 years and never seen anything like this. I lost several clients 2 that i really liked i was actually friends with went out to dinner a few times. Both totally healthy . Both dead in a week. I called the ones wife up to give my condolences and she broke down . It was a hard call.

The difference between the flu and this is how it attacks the lungs. Once you end up on a ventilator odds are you will not make it. Yea the flu will create some breathing issues but not like this. My niece had this and it was really bad almost put on a ventilator. She has had the flu before this was different she and her dad both had it and came close to a ventilator. With the flu there are shots and remedies. With this once you get it it is like nothing works very well. My niece at one point could not take 2 steps without collapsing and had a 104 fever. I was so worried for my niece i was sending stuff on amazon that said it helps raise your immune system and lower a fever. I have both my nieces work for me and i have seen them sick before. This was different and the most worried i have ever been for her . Luckily and i am not saying it was from the stuff i sent her but after she started taking the stuff i sent the fever broke finally. So maybe it helped a little i was desperate to help her .

One of our agents had this too and it almost killed him he was in the hospital on oxygen for 3 weeks. He finally came home and pulled through but he will never be the same because a lot of the people that had covid even if they survive there will be issues permanently. Mostly breathing because it does so much damage so if you get close to being on a ventilator or oxygen you will probably never be the same again .

This is not a hoax . Between my job and family and friends i have easily known about 80 people that have had it.

Again, its a hoax in these terms.

I have not seen one ambulance on my city street since this started over a year ago now. 13 months. Not one ambulance pulling out a dead body or a living body for that matter. Now, I said this a few weeks in (13 months ago). Perception. People aren't dropping dead in the streets all over the place so you don't need to shut everything down, mask up, and take a vaccine. IF THEE ABOVE WAS OCCURRING, THEN BY GOLLY, I WOULD KILL PEOPLE TO GET TO FIRST IN LINE FOR THAT VACCINE.

Its the death of perception. This whole bullshit thing. It proves people no longer USE their perceptions. See Florida. See Texas. See South Dakota. See Sweden. See other countries, that never locked down, and barely masked up. Did not use social retarding (distancing).

No ambulance on street = bullshit, bullshit, and more bullshit. And believe me, this was way before those mask mandates came out. So, you can't say people were social retarding and masking up and that's why no ambulances were ever around. You can't say, oh, the virus didn't spread to your area yet because I'm 3 minutes from Detroit (an original HOT SPOT for this deadly virus).


Quote Originally Posted by Auto Donk View Post

also, go check cdc's own website for number of common flu cases........ a couple thousand vs. hundreds of thousands for the same period pre covid hoax............
I love Russian rap.

That's a behind the scenes video of the filming of this Russian rap video. Not sure if it will embed so here is the link...https://vimeo.com/464690979

Nothing gets by Russian Rocket KVB!!!

<iframe src="https://player.vimeo.com/video/464690979" width="640" height="388" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; fullscreen; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>


Quote Originally Posted by hehfest View Post
Again, its a hoax in these terms.

I have not seen one ambulance on my city street since this started over a year ago now. 13 months. Not one ambulance pulling out a dead body or a living body for that matter. Now, I said this a few weeks in (13 months ago). Perception. People aren't dropping dead in the streets all over the place so you don't need to shut everything down, mask up, and take a vaccine. IF THEE ABOVE WAS OCCURRING, THEN BY GOLLY, I WOULD KILL PEOPLE TO GET TO FIRST IN LINE FOR THAT VACCINE.

Its the death of perception. This whole bullshit thing. It proves people no longer USE their perceptions. See Florida. See Texas. See South Dakota. See Sweden. See other countries, that never locked down, and barely masked up. Did not use social retarding (distancing).

No ambulance on street = bullshit, bullshit, and more bullshit. And believe me, this was way before those mask mandates came out. So, you can't say people were social retarding and masking up and that's why no ambulances were ever around. You can't say, oh, the virus didn't spread to your area yet because I'm 3 minutes from Detroit (an original HOT SPOT for this deadly virus).
I have not had an ambulance on my street for Covid either. But i still have known about 80 people that had this . So it absolutely is not fake. And not only have so many of my clients gotten hit by this but my own family and friends have gotten this. Some hit extremely hard . Others not so much. One died. And most of them had the attitude of "I want to enjoy my life and not be held hostage".

And i am not saying the Government may blow this out of proportion to fit certain agendas i am sure if they can gain something somewhere they will do exactly that . I agree with you there may be that Hehfest.

What i am saying with a 100% certainty because of what i have seen with my own eyes between my clients and family , is it 100% is definitely NOT a hoax. In all the years i have been doing this i have never seen anything like this hit my clients and my own family. If you take away the politics and everything you see on TV and everywhere else all i am saying is i have seen this kill several people that i never would have thought would have been killed.

And i have not wanted to get the vaccine either i even wonder if it actually will work or they just hurried it out to make people feel safe. I know a bunch who got it though so i am seeing how they feel first. Seems like the first shot makes you tired and a lot have gotten sick from the second shot.


captrobey, not saying it's not a real phenomenon, it is a virus.... just like the h1n1 that was released by a chinese lab back in 2009 that we wrecked our economy over by shutting down our nation... oh, wait, obama was president..... we didn't shut down; he didn't do a damn thing til over 140K had the shit and 10,000 americans died....

the hoax is the fukkin' over the top response......

h1n1 got five mins on the news, and obama's six month late national health care emergency was praised as "making more tools available" to fight this year's particularly nasty flu.....

like clain said, biden fukked up everything he did in regards to h1n1......

this entire response in 2020 was orchestrated by the left to have something to level off at trump after they tanked the economy due to this shit; we never shouid have shut down shit......


Quote Originally Posted by PharaohUB View Post
Yes it does matter. If you shortened a handful of peoples lives by six months but you’re stealing a year of life from millions. It does not make sense. I’ve lost two friends to suicide during this pandemic. I’ve had friends whose lives and careers are ruined. All to save some 85 year olds. Yes it does matter. I will trade the last six months of my life to not ruin a generation. But then again I’m not selfish
How do we know those two friends wouldn't have killed themselves anyway or how do we know they even existed?

If they had their lives and careers ruined over a little pandemic they weren't worth living anyway no?