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8 Beers That You Should Stop Drinking Immediately

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Quote Originally Posted by zizoudane10 View Post
Seaweed just doesn't realize WHY fish blatter is used in the process
He better never drinks wine, vodka or campari... Like every vegan.

EDIT: Oh, and just btw: The Guiness for the USA is brewed in Canada and it is vegan (no fish blatter used)
from the guinness website: All the GUINNESS® sold in the UK, Ireland and North America is brewed in Ireland at the historic St. James's Gate Brewery in Dublin.

guinness extra stout from canada though.


Spot on, Drinker...I could care less what "scientific" studies say....I have Uncle's and Aunt's that lived to be 95+ in my family and they smoked cigarettes their whole lives and ate bacon, sausage, ham, eggs, for breakfast almost every other day...not to mention putting a shitload of butter on bread and biscuits...My Uncle George lived to be 88 and he smoked at least 2 - 3 cigars a day as for most of his adult life!!...myself, I'm still going to continue drinking Miller Lite.......I'm going to live my life doing the things that I love and enjoy and let the chips fall where they may!...


Quote Originally Posted by InTheDrink View Post
the best part of the gmo debate are the retards that pour sodium, sugar, preservatives, etc in their body are worried about produce

the funniest part is that life expectancy continues to extend but everything we breathe and eat is going to kill us

the paranoia, it is real
Not about life expectancy at all, I just feel a lot better eating non-gmo foods. Maybe it's a placebo but I doubt it. And don't make the mistake of confusing life expectancy with life quality. There is a big difference and simply living longer doesn't automatically include better quality.

Personally, a few less years for feeling better and a higher quality of life? Absolutely


Quote Originally Posted by Da Manster! View Post
Spot on, Drinker...I could care less what "scientific" studies say....I have Uncle's and Aunt's that lived to be 95+ in my family and they smoked cigarettes their whole lives and ate bacon, sausage, ham, eggs, for breakfast almost every other day...not to mention putting a shitload of butter on bread and biscuits...My Uncle George lived to be 88 and he smoked at least 2 - 3 cigars a day as for most of his adult life!!...myself, I'm still going to continue drinking Miller Lite.......I'm going to live my life doing the things that I love and enjoy and let the chips fall where they may!...
And I bet all that sausage eggs and ham were non gmo


manster i hear you but what im saying is that these morons think clean living + gmo produce = early death

of course they dont know we've been eating gmo food for decades and our life expectancy continues to increase in spite of all of the garbage that the typical lowlife paula-porker-type american continutes to pour into their bodies

the biggest problem in america is obesity and dumping processed foods into our collective bodies...has nothing to do with the fukkin produce that we eat

fukkin morons eating ramen noodles and kraft mac and cheese every night blaming gluten and the crops that are in the boxes that shit comes in

fukking losers....everywhere in sbr


Quote Originally Posted by Kaabee View Post
the main reason that gmo, gluten, corn syrup, non-organic, etc are now bad is that there is money to be made off of the fear.

kaabee gets it

how much do stores charge for organic produce just for starters?

a lot of times theres no difference....and when there is and you see produce shipped across the country or the continent thats organic its usually got fuel fumes that no one gives a fuk about


Quote Originally Posted by InTheDrink View Post
manster i hear you but what im saying is that these morons think clean living + gmo produce = early death

of course they dont know we've been eating gmo food for decades and our life expectancy continues to increase in spite of all of the garbage that the typical lowlife paula-porker-type american continutes to pour into their bodies

the biggest problem in america is obesity and dumping processed foods into our collective bodies...has nothing to do with the fukkin produce that we eat

fukkin morons eating ramen noodles and kraft mac and cheese every night blaming gluten and the crops that are in the boxes that shit comes in

fukking losers....everywhere in sbr

I hear you loud and clear, Drinker... this is what makes the world go around...to each their own, mang!......Just like today when I was at Chipotle for lunch and the girl that was ahead of me ordered a bowl instead of a burrito and then turned around and proceeded to tell me that it was healthier because no carbs from the tortilla but then she gets everything put into it with extra sour cream!......I was like ...too funny, bro!
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Quote Originally Posted by Kaabee View Post
the main reason that gmo, gluten, corn syrup, non-organic, etc are now bad is that there is money to be made off of the fear.
just adding a cherry on top of your post...hidden agendas, ulterior motives, media propaganda, advertising and marketing, $$$$$$, controlling people's lives, etc. all play a role in that as well!...