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Youfs carjack 87 year old in Detoilet!!!

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Most people think that this kind of behavior has always been the norm. This is not true. Communities have digressed horribly. Some of the older, Black leaders hit issues right on the nose. They preached self-accountability, autonomy, community, and addressed issues head-on, instead of constantly being on the defense. Langston Hughes' article on Harlem is exactly what I mean. Today's black youth wouldn't even know who Hughes is...50 cent yes....Hughes no.


Quote Originally Posted by High3rEl3m3nt View Post
Most people think that this kind of behavior has always been the norm. This is not true. Communities have digressed horribly. Some of the older, Black leaders hit issues right on the nose. They preached self-accountability, autonomy, community, and addressed issues head-on, instead of constantly being on the defense. Langston Hughes' article on Harlem is exactly what I mean. Today's black youth wouldn't even know who Hughes is...50 cent yes....Hughes no.


sorry, sir, but you're buying the liberal training. they have ALWAYS been this way. before Hughes times for centuries and thousands upon thousands of years

way back when the nation builders were smart.... they knew that they had to contain society or society would run amuck... well, well, well....... what do you know. you get away from that... and what kind of world we got on our streets right now?

common sense, bro


Quote Originally Posted by baskets View Post

sorry, sir, but you're buying the liberal training. they have ALWAYS been this way. before Hughes times for centuries and thousands upon thousands of years

way back when the nation builders were smart.... they knew that they had to contain society or society would run amuck... well, well, well....... what do you know. you get away from that... and what kind of world we got on our streets right now?

common sense, bro
Baskets, leaders of yesterday addressed issues head-on. There are thousands of primary sources proving my point. When is the last time you heard a leader--meaning one accepted by the black community, speak critically of the need to search inward in order to improve? I can't THINK of any. Certainly not the President, Jackson, and other unanimous leaders. Certainly not today's black entertainers, whereas Hughes, a celebrated and hip entertainer at the time, was also a leader. If you think that many of the black communities of today are the same as they were post World War II, you are kidding yourself.