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They do some strange things for soccer injuries

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Quote Originally Posted by jjgold View Post
Put 11 blacks on a soccer field Americans will be a World Cup winners

These foreign countries would be scared to death of the black man and the physicality they bring
You're clueless, please stick to American Sports.

Why didn't Ghana, Nigeria, Ivory Coast, win the World Cup yet.

As physical as they come.

Go look at Honduras and how aggressive they are, I heard they do well in the competition.


Quote Originally Posted by SarahPalin View Post
im not sure how you wanna measure toughness but im sure soccer takes it. even if you wanna go straight up fighting im sure the top 20 soccer players vs top 20 hockey id bet on soccer
Lol, you're delusional.

Hockey player would be -1200 favorite.



Hockey... players lose their teeth. Never seen a soccer player lose their teeth.

You get pucks in the mouth... broken noses. Cross check in the throat. Slash across the wrist. Spear in the stomach. You guys ok?

Yes I've played hockey and soccer. Ice hockey... street hockey... there's no comparison. In soccer... you aren't technically out to take a guys head off. In hockey... you're suppose to.


Quote Originally Posted by TheMoneyShot View Post
Hockey... players lose their teeth. Never seen a soccer player lose their teeth.

You get pucks in the mouth... broken noses. Cross check in the throat. Slash across the wrist. Spear in the stomach. You guys ok?

Yes I've played hockey and soccer. Ice hockey... street hockey... there's no comparison. In soccer... you aren't technically out to take a guys head off. In hockey... you're suppose to.

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