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So what’s the best bankroll management?

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Quote Originally Posted by jjgold View Post
Anybody betting different amounts on each game is an idiot, there’s no such thing as one game having a better chance than another
This right here proves jj's amateur status. Ignore his inflated post count; statements like the one he just made completely back-up his subpar (yet completely normal) betting record.

You should bet different amounts on a game, based on a mathematical edge that you have on the odds. The higher the edge, the higher your bet amount. If you can't prove your edge (and it's painfully obvious that jj is just yet another rec bettor), then absolutely, have fun with it. Treat it for what it is - entertainment. Bet whatever amount will bring the rush you're after - because otherwise you're going to lose. Trying to practice sound management is dumb in these cases. You're going to lose in the end, so might as well enjoy the ride. Betting 1-2% of your roll when you don't have an edge is dumb - you're just prolonging the inevitable.

Enjoy it. Bet what you need to make it worth it.