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What the hell is the Texas Senator doing??? Opie, help me out here pal

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Cruz wants to run for President in 2016, and there is nowhere else or any other way he could have gotten the amount of free media coverage he got by doing what he did. He was basically a unheard of Senator from Texas, he now has a national name that people may or may not remember come voting time, but either way it was a pretty good move on his part to get his name and face out in the media,JMO.



Quote Originally Posted by Deuce View Post
If you support it you have ZERO clue what is actually going on at all. It's not FREE and it costs an ungodly amount. Will cripple business and destroy the economy.
Doom and gloom is more overplayed than Obamacares usefulness.

It's the government - paying a trillion dollars to fix a billion dollar problem.

The problem, I stress, is the discussion. The same people calling Obamacare some legislative apocalypse thought raising the debt ceiling meant it automatically increases our debt.

It's so painfully wrong, people with a clue are bogged down trying to bring the shit-for-brains up to speed on basic facts.