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Swinger's MLB Picks for Tuesday night (5/21)

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Stop Swinger's MLB Picks for Tuesday night (5/21)

Boys, It---is---time! (Bruce Buffer fans) Listen kids, I've got some hot games tonight and I am sharing them with the SJ faithful. Here we go. Phillies -105 Dodgers -128 Cardinals -140 Nationals +105 Tigers -126 Rangers -200 Astros +120 Atlanta -187


Geebert! Who loves ya baby! Leetreaper reserve your judgment for later. If you are intrinsically opposed to laying heavy lumber regardless of the matchup then it is you who is the square. Just because you bet dogs doesn't make you sharp, it just makes you a dart thrower. I'll play dogs too , as I included a few tonight but I'm not married to either the chalk or the dogs. Watch and learn sunshine.