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Liberals check in

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Quick side note on the full 911 call - Has anyone actually heard the FULL thing? Brings into question a few more issues with the media reporting once you listen for yourself.

The media take is that Zimmerman says 'okay' to the suggestion "we don't need you///" to follow Trayvon. And that he keeps on until he finds him...and that is where he 'murders' him. But if you listen to the tape independently it's much more in length....once he says okay....a few seconds later he says "dammit he ran"...dispatcher says what is your address?..Zimmerman tells them but them and also gives his phone number....the dispatcher asks him where he wants to meet the police en route...Zimmerman is still either standing still or walking now and not running because he is not winded as he was initially when he got out of his car...he then agrees with the dispatcher he'll wait around the mail boxes until police arrive....last words before it ends is about him saying "just have them call me on my cell here if they dont see me" and he'll guide them to where he is and last saw Trayvon. Gives a lot more credibility to his story he'd lost site of Trayvon and while going back toward his vehicle Trayvon confronted him out of nowhere.


A true confession: I was once a liberal

Many believes are still liberal. But when it comes to taxes and general economics I part company with my liberal brothers. High taxes act as high vig. The more that is extracted from the economy the less the economy will grow. Too much taxes and the economy will shrink until there is none. We are teetering on the road to none. Democrats did not always believe in redistribution. Google John F. Kennedy's economic plan and you will see it was crafted around significant tax reductions similar to the ones Republicans are now advocating.


It is a natural progression for one to be liberal (read 'stupid') when one is young... and then progress on to being more conservative as one grows older.

Franklin has a good quote on this.

Problem with society, though, is that now we live in a Charleston Heston movie.... and you can't have a respectable society when you got a fukking zoo running around.


Quote Originally Posted by acl123 View Post
There is a reason fox news dominates.
conservatives are educated and watch educational programs

Liberals are dumb, collect welfare sit home all day eating cap'n crunch and watch cartoons
Explain the high education demographic for liberal and Independent voters in comparison to the more rural demographic of the conservatives.


Quote Originally Posted by SBR_John View Post
A true confession: I was once a liberal

Many believes are still liberal. But when it comes to taxes and general economics I part company with my liberal brothers. High taxes act as high vig. The more that is extracted from the economy the less the economy will grow. Too much taxes and the economy will shrink until there is none. We are teetering on the road to none. Democrats did not always believe in redistribution. Google John F. Kennedy's economic plan and you will see it was crafted around significant tax reductions similar to the ones Republicans are now advocating.
I am exactly the same way. Look up the meaning of liberal nowadays. It's nothing like the original meaning at all.


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Liberals espouse a wide array of views depending on their understanding of these principles, but generally liberals support ideas such as constitutionalism, liberal democracy, free and fair elections, human rights, capitalism, and the free exercise of religion.

That is almost the complete opposite of the meaning today.


Problem with highly educated white liberals is that most of them have no experience... pretty much in all areas.... hence their naive views on blacks, Mexicans, illegals, etc.

A guy from a ghetto knocks on the door of a white liberal's $800,000 house at 3am in the morning... and the white liberal lets him in for milk and cookies. 2 hours later the house is looted, his wife is raped, his throat is slashed and his children are shot to death....

.... "Well, he looked like a wholesome fellow who might be a little down on his luck so I let him in. He asked for milk and cookies and well, aww shucks, I've got a soft spot for milk and cookies. Two hours later it was a terrible experience. But I believe in kindness so I'm going to pay the guy's bail and put his kids through college... his kids that he's never met. I feel it's my duty to help that poor guy out .... even if he slit my throat and raped my wife and killed my kids. Heck, gosh gee shucks, I'm a liberal. We believe in the goodness of people."


Quote Originally Posted by DwightShrute View Post
I am exactly the same way. Look up the meaning of liberal nowadays. It's nothing like the original meaning at all.


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Liberals espouse a wide array of views depending on their understanding of these principles, but generally liberals support ideas such as constitutionalism, liberal democracy, free and fair elections, human rights, capitalism, and the free exercise of religion.

That is almost the complete opposite of the meaning today.
That looks about right..

Tell me dwightie, whats has oreilly brainwashed into your head?


Quote Originally Posted by baskets View Post
Problem with highly educated white liberals is that most of them have no experience... pretty much in all areas.... hence their naive views on blacks, Mexicans, illegals, etc.

A guy from a ghetto knocks on the door of a white liberal's $800,000 house at 3am in the morning... and the white liberal lets him in for milk and cookies. 2 hours later the house is looted, his wife is raped, his throat is slashed and his children are shot to death....

.... "Well, he looked like a wholesome fellow who might be a little down on his luck so I let him in. He asked for milk and cookies and well, aww shucks, I've got a soft spot for milk and cookies. Two hours later it was a terrible experience. But I believe in kindness so I'm going to pay the guy's bail and put his kids through college... his kids that he's never met. I feel it's my duty to help that poor guy out .... even if he slit my throat and raped my wife and killed my kids. Heck, gosh gee shucks, I'm a liberal. We believe in the goodness of people."
You confuse liberals with Mormons. Mormons would do that cause its christian. Most upper class liberals shudder away from minors. If that happended to an upper class liberal he would let the guy rot in jail and write an opinion to the NY times blaming republicans for the attack.


I can't tell if you're serious when you guys are talking about Fox being educated and fair. It's gotten a LOT better with people like Judge Napolitano and Ben Swann airing on Fox, but as a whole, they are very, very biased. As are all the liberal stations.

And I'm a slightly right leaning Libertarian. I hate republicans, but I REALLY hate democrats. And I'm with the liberals that Fox is just as bad as NBC, etc.


Quote Originally Posted by Waterstpub87 View Post
You confuse liberals with Mormons. Mormons would do that cause its christian. Most upper class liberals shudder away from minors. If that happended to an upper class liberal he would let the guy rot in jail and write an opinion to the NY times blaming republicans for the attack.
lol, I think you're talking about Emily Haines there.


Quote Originally Posted by CrazyCarl View Post
I can't tell if you're serious when you guys are talking about Fox being educated and fair. It's gotten a LOT better with people like Judge Napolitano and Ben Swann airing on Fox, but as a whole, they are very, very biased. As are all the liberal stations.

And I'm a slightly right leaning Libertarian. I hate republicans, but I REALLY hate democrats. And I'm with the liberals that Fox is just as bad as NBC, etc.
Pretty much in your corner too. I have seen such a negative insider view of how conservative power-play types manipulate their following, that it sickens me badly. Sure, the same thing happens on the other side too, though. Rich people look at the poor and middle class through a lens that sees how they can support their agendas. Shameful.


Any white person who is a leftist and watches MSNBC has a disease, not debatable. Even with an overt example of manipulation like this, sheep will still be sheep

Fox News is a shill house and hardly better though. Anyone regularly watching cable news is a dupe, but in terms of pissing in your face as a non-minority, MSNBC takes the cake