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Bruins fan goes after Mascot

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I mean have you seen some of the frivolous lawsuits that have WON over the years? its a litigious society and you get the right lawyer, and the right/wrong judge. JACKPOT! yeah the guy acted like an ass, and its silly. but a lawyer could spin it, that he got eye damage from silly string sprayed right into the face. when you buy a ticket you don't agree to have mascots try to blind you.


Quote Originally Posted by Dutchie View Post
I mean have you seen some of the frivolous lawsuits that have WON over the years? its a litigious society and you get the right lawyer, and the right/wrong judge. JACKPOT! yeah the guy acted like an ass, and its silly. but a lawyer could spin it, that he got eye damage from silly string sprayed right into the face. when you buy a ticket you don't agree to have mascots try to blind you.
You need to actually prove he got eye damage, or whatever you want to spin. Sure, a lawyer can spin anything but he aint winning anything except a refund on his ticket, going by that footage.

Not really worth a $20k lawyer bill.

Unless your a lawyer.


a quick search shows there is a lot of precedents. hell some states have banned the stuff.

sue for damages of mental anguish and PTSD


Silly String Leads to Serious Accident
On December 14, 2011, in Personal Injury, by Murry Parrish
A lawsuit over silly string may seem silly, but not when injury is involved. Here’s a case of a preventable accident that left one woman with damage to her eyes.

A woman told television station KFOR in Oklahoma City that she took her granddaughter to a fall festival at an Oklahoma City church. She claimed a teenager manning a booth shot her in the eyes with Silly String, a plastic string propelled from an aerosol can.

The victim said her eyes stung badly and she was later diagnosed at an emergency room with a corneal abrasion.

She told the news station the teen had been told by a church official to only shoot the Silly String at or below the waist.

No word on whether she’ll seek damages from the church, but she could have a viable case. It is reasonable for her to expect that her medical costs (trips to the emergency room are expensive!) would be covered.

It is important that if something like this happens to you, that you talk to an experienced personal injury lawyer to learn about your rights and to get help seeking a satisfactory resolution.

Here you can learn more about legal issues from my law firm in Oklahoma City.

Or call my office at (405) 232-1985 so that your case may be properly evaluated.


Depends what you're suing for technically. If you want compensatory damages for physical pain and suffering then yeah you'll need actual proof. On the other hand, the mascot could sue in civil court for battery pretty easily. Battery is defined as any unwanted harmful or offensive touching (as determined by a "reasonable person"), which includes projectiles aimed at someone. Being a mascot one could reasonably foresee gettin some crap from opposing team fans which could be interpreted as consent, but it's unlikely the mascot consented to such behavior which goes above and beyond the "norm."

Who knows, maybe the mascot was in fear for his life and is now traumatized and deathly afraid of people in Bruins jerseys and will never attend a hockey game again, a direct result of the bruins fan's intentional infliction of emotional distress, causing him to lose his only true passion he had in life, his job as a big fuzzy mascot.

Sad story :'(


Quote Originally Posted by dredmahawkus View Post
<----------- Boston is the city of champions!!!!
Took the Red Sox like 90 years to win another title.

Bruins waiting 40 years for another title.

Celtics waiting 20 years for title till they finally bought one.

Patriots sucked for 40 years, no one cared, they had their little run, now it's fading....