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SBR Trivia for Non-Pros today

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lol I just started a thread about this when you posted this, but c'mon Lou is this a real sports trivia question (for 10pts, mind you)...

When Wells pitched his perfect game, what was the name of the beanie baby given away that day?

I appreciate the extra shot at some trivia points, but the name of a beanie baby....really?


Quote Originally Posted by Roadtrip635 View Post
lol I just started a thread about this when you posted this, but c'mon Lou is this a real sports trivia question (for 10pts, mind you)... When Wells pitched his perfect game, what was the name of the beanie baby given away that day? I appreciate the extra shot at some trivia points, but the name of a beanie baby....really?
The beanie baby is a collectors item and some of us actually sleep with one every night.


Quote Originally Posted by Lou View Post
SBR Trivia for Non-Pros

You've waited long enough. The screams of "Uncle" from the Non-Pros finally won us over.
Enjoy your sports trivia today!
As for PROs, you also receive a bonus trivia today. In return, please don't get mad if you don't know the name of the goalie in the 1974 Stanley Cup Finals.

Become an SBR Pro
Too late, I'm already mad.

In what year did Florida State's Osceola and Renegade make their first appearance?

No clue what this question even means. Are these people or mascots? All the years were before I was born. Gimme a redo