Originally posted on 10/27/2023:

Quote Originally Posted by Halfapointoff View Post
I don’t give a shit if you clean his penetrating toilets. I didn’t say he was a bad guy. The point is the fuc ki ng title of this thread. Reading is fundamental. Metaphor—if a guy saves 100 babies from a burning hospital then celebrates that night with the locals of what a hero he is and drives home drunk and kills a family on the road, is he charged for manslaughter murder charges ?
The topic of this thread is about how He is participating in illegal book making.

By all means, feel free to start a thread about how much of a saint he is or how you drive limousines around your gated community or how he started his business from a tent off the highway to what is now at the same location. I’m well aware of his rise to fame and I wish the best for him and all, but he is conducting in illegal activity and everyone just resorts to he saved 100 babies metaphor. You humans are the weirdest bunch.
No… you first asked if we knew him and then you said how do we know he’s not dumb enough to be doing these promotions illegally. I just told you I know him. Do you not think he has lawyers and accountants to keep the books straight? We had a casino night last Friday with full casino tables. How does he do it? Why isn’t he in jail? You are trying very hard to put the man down. You bring up a coke addiction in the 80s to prove your point? A lot of folks did coke in the 80s. Relax.

He is doing exactly what banks and insurance companies do. Cover their asses. Businesses have given away money in sweepstakes and promotions sine the 1700s. It is not illegal because real tangible goods are exchanged for money. If he was just taking money, you would have a point.