Originally posted on 11/30/2020:

Quote Originally Posted by Auto Donk View Post

creepy joe wants this nut job, ezekial emmanuel, to run his shit.... guy says every one over 75 needs to die......


and newsweek is a lib rag, the one that gave us this shit the night of the election four years ago:

I wonder if, like tshirts for the losers of the world series, super bowl, etc., this was sent to africa for the afrikaners to read.......

The Clinton Cartel are not to be trusted. No argument there.

But at least when it comes to coronavirus Biden is going to do something.

Some Americans may not yet realize how far the USA is behind the rest of the world, and how much that delay in comparison to other big powers might cost the country, and it's allies, over the next few years.

It's mental that you or anyone else is arguing against getting on top of the problem, helping business adjust, and being prepared for the next one. You would only need a week living here in my state to see what happened months ago, and how business and the local economy can almost be described as booming... mostly due to being so far ahead of other countries and lack of international competition.

My state is coming out the other end like Covid was a boom. And all it took was 2 months of 'lockdown' in March and April, another couple of months of less restriction in May and June... and now Covid is basically wiped out completely for now... and business and the housing market is booming.

We may be "less free" than the USA here, but one advanatge of that is being able to hammer the selfish dumbasses who cried it was a fake virus and would destroy the economy and they refuse to do the right thing. Loved seeing the cops bash shit out of screaming harpies talking about their right to endanger the community.