Originally posted on 05/05/2020:

Quote Originally Posted by Slurry Pumper View Post
The numbers are faked, but you won't know it until all the other numbers for other illnesses come in. States are padding the wuflu numbers in an effort to get more bucks from the federal government. I can't blame them, remember compensation will dictate their actions.
By the way, even at 100,000+ deaths, this experiment is a failure. They need about 5 million to die to justify trashing the world economy. This whole thing was a failure.
When a lie like yours continues to make the rounds, it only encourages your fellow morons to opt for high-risk behaviors, which endanger us all.

The additional compensation hospitals receive under the CARES Act is NOT for death, it’s for the treatment which PREVIOUSLY Coronavirus-diagnosed patients receive. (Take a deep breath, and think that through slowly.) Aha, you say, then the massive fraud you (and Laura Ingraham) insist hospitals are committing is their initial diagnosis of Covid 19! Thing is, doctors, medical examiners, and the labs which do the testing (who independently report their results to the CDC, as well as MEDICARE), all would have to be in on such widespread fraud, and it’s not like the risk/reward ratio is all that compelling: prison and loss of medical license, and MEDICARE accreditation, versus a few thousand more in compensation to hospitals – which have already eaten the costs? (Even the doctor, whom Ingraham misquoted to start the lie rolling, has walked it back, saying he never said hospitals were intentionally misidentifying Coronavirus patients.)

Not that hearing the truth will stop idiots, like yourself, from keeping the myth alive. It sure feels better than facing those nasty, pesky facts.