Originally posted on 04/29/2020:

Quote Originally Posted by Thor4140 View Post
It is well establish that the blue states especially with a dems running them carry the red states. It is also well established that red states are the big takers of the gov't and lead the country in handouts. When has a republican ever balanced a budget? Jindal buried Louisiana, the Kansas pig Brownback buried Kansas. Texas leads the country in everything bad Pollution, morons (because educations is so bad), just bad at everything. Kentucky, Mississippi, Arkansas, Alabama all gov't handout queens and all usually run by Republicans. Cuomo exposed the nasty truth when that despicable turtle Moscow McConnell wanted NY to just go bankrupt while NY brings in the most cash for the Country while Moscow Mitch's shithole in Kentucky, has been taking out of the gov't tit as long as that crook has been there.
How many times did your mom shoot meth or drop you on your head as a child? It had to be both to be this stupid.