originally posted on 01/03/2013:

Yes wanti... I lost a lot of weight while taking meds to try to reduce a mass in my uterus instead of having a hysterectomy. Everyone who is on SBR for any length of time knows this. In fact a few came to visit me the few times I was in hospital. Still might want to have another kid some day. Anything else you'd like to know? My period is due in 8 days too. You're a classy oyster, no?

I have never laughed at anyone losing money nor would I ever. Whether it's here, at theRX, Covers, or even EOG if they even have sponsors. Find me one post you fukking lying piece of shit. Because you won't. Oh wait you put yet another disclaimer in "all but laughing"...

So yeah, FUKK OFF. I have friends who have lost money at BI, I have posters who trust me who lost money at BI and I can't do fukk all to fix it. But I sure as fukk am not prancing around like some know it all after the fact. You are a scab who people on every forum say is the equivalent of Public Radio squared. I tried to give you a chance but don't you fukking dare lie about me kid. Just stick with your Lakers bullshit. If I had a clue or could've fixed this, you'd be licking my shoes you maggot.