originally posted on 11/13/2012:

When Republicans routed the Democrats in the 2010 elections and won back the House we laughed when Hollywood heavies and limousine liberals threatened to leave the country and/or renounce their citizenship. They revealed everything we already knew about the petulant left.

Now that the pendulum has swung the other way, Conservatives are talking secession. We're taking our ball and going home, ha-ruuumph. Can we all grow up kids? We're just as bad.

Look, our party is fiscally responsible yet socially retarded. Separation of church and state remember? We've got these right wing evangelicals who are supposed to be intelligent men spouting lunacy about a woman being able to shut down her reproductive system if she is raped among other preposterous assertions.

The same right wingers that would outlaw abortions and gay marriage would also prohibit liquor and we all know how well that worked. Look, I know there are god-faring, flag waving, men's men like Opie who turn red in the face when contemplating the marriage of Adam and Steve versus Adam and Eve or curse out loud when a young lady who can't keep her legs closed decides she'll get rid of her mistake instead of nurture her unborn.

I get it, don't personally disagree with it but we cannot legislate morality, and the sooner we move to the middle on social issues the better equipped we will be to foster a more diverse conservative base and appeal to those who are looking to embrace a more welcoming Republican party.

We will never reach the academic elites who blithely ignore or are completely oblivious to the realities of life and instead cling to and covet a eutopic vision of society nor will the union workers give, well...an inch and those who have made a living on the public dole will not suddenly forsake a monthly kiss in the mail for a weekly slap in the face. But let's stop the tears and start getting real. You don't have to abandon your own principles, just understand you cannot impose them on others. Only then will all those blue states start turning red again.

- I know, too long, you didn't read it, you want the cliff notes...or maybe you don't.