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LOCK ALERT 7th straight winner here SIXERS -2

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Default LOCK ALERT 7th straight winner here SIXERS -2

Nailed the last 6 Locks, Goin for #7 in a row

Absolutely love Philly to bounce back from that ass whooping they took in game 3 when i backed the celtics for game and 2nd half. I see a sixers win in the 5-10 point range.

Lock it up! 76ers -2


i like the 76ers here as well. Never like them that much at home but i do tonight. I see a low scoring game for sure. 76ers keep Rondo takin care of and they should be fine. I like Rondo a lot and want celtics to win the series but i have to go with the team i believe will win and that is the 76ers.

BOL everyone.