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I think I am done with Over/Unders!

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Default I think I am done with Over/Unders!

Anyone else agree they are too unpredictable? I know its easy to say now after going 0 for 2 Tonight in O/U , and hitting both games that I laid chalk on. But it just seems to me that its a hell of a lot easier to pick a winner and lay some loot than pick the over unders. They seem like a crap shoot. Thoughts????


Quote Originally Posted by DennisGreen View Post
Sorry buddy I got mucked in the over/unders tonight. I find I usually get burned with ML bets because of all the juice. I find better value in over/under usually, but hey everyone has a different preference. Just stick to whatever you find suits your style the most
Hey DG, just to clarify, my post wasnt directed towards you, I actually played one of yours (NYI,MTL which i actually liked a lot, too) and the other one was the under in the ANA/TOR. I was a little boozed, too, when I posted. (Booze and betting are not a good combo) HA!

Was just frustrated laying 350 on the Rangers/Canadiens ML and then to lose 120 on the O/U's that I played, Neither one seemed to have a chance.

I will continue tailing you since I am definitely up more than I am down when doing so.



Playing Totals is tricky because they're much less intuitive than sides, and they require a lot more homework / number crunching. With the game log data from NHL.com and a couple of hours in Excel, you can model the totals decently. Once you see all the teams' game totals compiled and compared under different criteria, you get a much better feel for which way to lean on each matchup. The simple O-U stats available on a lot of sites don't give you a complete picture.