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MD/Wulfman Loan

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checked in MD. as i told Miami and tham my internet went down after the ohio state game on thursday which i had a nice pile of cash on. im having trouble buying points at the moment because although my wire was done , fukkin piece of shit skrill is not uploading the funds from my bank account. i checked in with ya through PM man.


Quote Originally Posted by MD View Post
We agreed to wait until March 1st, with the interest frozen. As of around twelve hours from now, you'll owe 14032. In a couple of days that'll rise to close to 14600. Wulf, you going to pay me back at all here?
I'm capping this at 12 k. Enough bullshit. As long as I pay you in the next week you get 12k. POLI upload to skrill not working is not my fault. SBR only uses skrill so I have to deal with that stupid British site. I can post every single error message I've gotten from them in the past three days in this thread. 12k is fair . I want another week. You go to 14 k after that I have no problem. This past weekend happenings has been out of my control. Most if the forum knows why you weren't paid the following week on this loan. So if you demand 14 k before march 10th I cannot pay this. You are British right? I'll give you my skrill Id and you can go there yourself and ask how many times I tried to upload funds into their piece of shit site. Now I have to do a wire manually.


Quote Originally Posted by Wulfman14 View Post
I'm capping this at 12 k. Enough bullshit. As long as I pay you in the next week you get 12k. POLI upload to skrill not working is not my fault. SBR only uses skrill so I have to deal with that stupid British site. I can post every single error message I've gotten from them in the past three days in this thread. 12k is fair . I want another week. You go to 14 k after that I have no problem. This past weekend happenings has been out of my control. Most if the forum knows why you weren't paid the following week on this loan. So if you demand 14 k before march 10th I cannot pay this. You are British right? I'll give you my skrill Id and you can go there yourself and ask how many times I tried to upload funds into their piece of shit site. Now I have to do a wire manually.
I know that you've ended up in a bad spot recently, due to circumstances that you couldn't have foreseen, and with that in mind, I'd be willing to give you some leniency in regards to this. That said, you had an entire month to pay it off (plus the months since September, when the loan was placed), I don't understand why you waited until the deadline. I'll cut it down to 13000 for another week, then after that week, the frozen portion of the interest (and accumulated interest, of course) will be reinstated; sound good? I'll even call it 12000 if you can pay me back in the next 36hrs.


Quote Originally Posted by Wulfman14 View Post
I'm capping this at 12 k. Enough bullshit. As long as I pay you in the next week you get 12k. POLI upload to skrill not working is not my fault. SBR only uses skrill so I have to deal with that stupid British site. I can post every single error message I've gotten from them in the past three days in this thread. 12k is fair . I want another week. You go to 14 k after that I have no problem. This past weekend happenings has been out of my control. Most if the forum knows why you weren't paid the following week on this loan. So if you demand 14 k before march 10th I cannot pay this. You are British right? I'll give you my skrill Id and you can go there yourself and ask how many times I tried to upload funds into their piece of shit site. Now I have to do a wire manually.
why has skrill been so messed up? SBR has no other options...weak


Quote Originally Posted by Wulfman14 View Post
I took care of you first because of the terms on this loan. Terms made before my pro status was taken from me and I was reduced to being a non pro for three weeks unexpectedly. Story doesn't end there. I borrowed 6 k. You got 13 k man. Be fair. I got other people to pay off still.
MD has been pretty patient and fair for a while, and even though stuff happened it wasn't his fault...nothing unfair about that. Might as well pay the debt off on terms and be done with it


Quote Originally Posted by Wulfman14 View Post
I took care of you first because of the terms on this loan. Terms made before my pro status was taken from me and I was reduced to being a non pro for three weeks unexpectedly. Story doesn't end there. I borrowed 6 k. You got 13 k man. Be fair. I got other people to pay off still.
We had two separate instances where you asked me to freeze interest and cut some points off for a set period of time and I wasn't paid in either instance, yet I'm still cutting a decent amount (1200 or so) of points off. That's being pretty damn fair, I think.

Hope you get your other lenders paid off soon, buddy. Thanks for not stiffing me, you're a good guy.


Quote Originally Posted by Triple_D_Bet View Post
MD has been pretty patient and fair for a while, and even though stuff happened it wasn't his fault...nothing unfair about that. Might as well pay the debt off on terms and be done with it
you are entitled to your opinion. your own borrower came into this thread and illustrated that when he (my friend realmadrid) was a non pro for several months you worked with him. dont know if you should be coming in here dictating what my lender should and should not get. i have info i rather not share that is the main reason MD was promised payment in a week. i had points coming to me . no they were not MD's fault one bit but I feel for the 6k loan he has been more then reimbursed despite my obstacles. most of my lenders have given me double the amount and received half the interest. terms are written but they are not in black and white. there is a grey area in life and as long as the right thing is done , it should be met with understanding. the terms of this loan were ridiculous. im not an idiot . obviously i agreed to the terms because i had something coming and had no plans on paying the 4%. im not blaiming anybody but i feel the appropriate amount has been reimbursed. i even lost my pro status for a few weeks. you tripled gave understanding to realmadrid who came into this thread and told MD to take it easy a bit because even people of honor run into problems in life yet you come here and tell me terms are terms ? sorry but 98% of people would have run away from this after my problems and the other 2% would not have given 13k. i cannot give 14k. if we went by EXACT terms this would be over 20k right now. if im delivering something like a heart to somebody and i get into an accident , the heart is not delivered and the person who was supposed to get the heart dies, there was no ulterior motive on my part. i did not kill that person. i cannot be held responsible. knowing myself i would feel guilty even still but i cannot be held to blame that you didnt do what you were supposed to do and what was the terms of your job. i fully wanted to and something happened where i couldnt fulfill it. i think paying this amount is the equivalent to me ripping out my own heart and giving it to MD lmao. i have done more then enough. MD is a friend and it seems he has agreed that we are square.