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Wulfman drops the hammer on the SBR Sportsbook

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Quote Originally Posted by THam12 View Post
Lol why is he acting like people wanted him to lose?
Why does he believe he's kept his word when he didn't, or that making cat noises is clever, or any of the dozen idiotic assumptions he's made about me? Trust me, trying to figure out the reasons behind why wulfy acts the way he does is futile so long as you assume he does so for any rational reason

Quote Originally Posted by gauchojake View Post
I wanted him to lose. Wulfy drama and stiffs are what make this sub great.
Hopefully against all odds he hangs on to a balance and repays everyone and stops giving everyone reason to slam him...but historically, more drama would be a solid bet

Quote Originally Posted by RudyRuetigger View Post
Well I fukkin root for wulfman

he attacked me at the beginning, during World Cup 2yrs ago

but we are just alike.
Hardly...you're a decent poker player and you pay what you owe per the terms you agree to, world of difference


Quote Originally Posted by frankzig View Post
Why don't you guys get off his nuts, he'll fukking pay always does,first they hate on him for oweing NOW they hate on him for winning WTF
Most aren't hating on him for owing or winning; most "hating" is done because he's failed to pay back in the past when he could have, broke his word repeatedly, and keeps borrowing himself into a deeper hole. If his sportsbook balance survives 'til he comes back as most of us are hoping, he'll be able to pay everyone off and you won't see much "hating" if any. Until then, keeping up the pressure is the only recourse the community has when people don't pay back as promised..."he always pays" (eventually) doesn't mean much either; the same could be said for CS4


I REALLY dont understand how you (wulf) can talk about how others treat points and are so worried about them....
You are like the only person on here I have ever heard of buying points. You also have spent more time asking for loans and worrying about getting loans than anyone in the history of SBR. You CLEARLY hold points in a high regard or you would have given up a long time ago.
Please stop.


So much said, so little truth Almost all of the stuff you're re-hashing here wulfy has been addressed, and you've ducked answering those as much as you've ducked...well, you know where that's going

As for buying points to "prove" you're not broke....that might just be the dumbest thing we've heard you say (yet). After all the resistance to buying points before to pay your debts, and then only wanting to do so if I leave, now you're going to do it just to prove you can? You're making less and less sense by the day pal

If you don't know basic mechanics of sports games, you probably shouldn't bet 'em wulfy...but Google will get you the answers you're looking for I'm sure. My opinions on good lenders and good poker players are facts because I always back them with facts...it's crazy how much more likely someone is to be believed when they do that, instead of just rambling on about things that are provably false

Would be nice if you focusing more on betting made you better at it...but it's far more likely you're just running hot. You seem to be on here just as frequently but not logged in, judging by how quick you are to email me replies to what I post on here 'Til then, best of luck hanging on to a balance, demanding concessions from your lenders before you repay as agreed, or whatever it is you do now that you're "focused"

tto: you're a good dude, but seems like an odd choice to post wulfy's gibberish for him. Next time you do, let me know, I can probably sav you some time too...he usually emails me the same kinda crap, I could just copy/paste


Quote Originally Posted by THam12 View Post
Wulf needs to chill. Just shut up and pay when you get back. Nothing left to be said. He won, im glad for him. Pay back and never borrow again. Its that mother fuxking easy.
TTO youre gonna get yourself banned posting shit for him.
Chilling has never been his strong point. He's already emailed me about the same thing...the facts are obvious, but if you agree with them, you're a "dumb fuk" and not his bud, therefore you don't count, therefore he has all of his "buds" supporting him. Since we're just repeating what's been emailed though...

CS4 comparison is hard to avoid: both are super slow pays who have always paid...eventually, often on reduced terms, and only after making "mistake" after "mistake", lie after lie. You're in the exact same boat as CS4 right now; you want out of that boat? Manning up and paying your debts as agreed would be a good start


Need to add a month to wulfless also

Quote Originally Posted by THam12 View Post
Wulf needs to chill. Just shut up and pay when you get back. Nothing left to be said. He won, im glad for him. Pay back and never borrow again. Its that mother fuxking easy.
TTO youre gonna get yourself banned posting shit for him.


Quote Originally Posted by frankzig View Post
Why don't you guys get off his nuts, he'll fukking pay always does,first they hate on him for oweing NOW they hate on him for winning WTF
He's the perfect target for trolls who love a never ending argument because he can't help himself reacting.

Quote Originally Posted by Triple_D_Bet View Post

Most aren't hating on him for owing or winning; most "hating" is done because he's failed to pay back in the past when he could have, broke his word repeatedly, and keeps borrowing himself into a deeper hole. If his sportsbook balance survives 'til he comes back as most of us are hoping, he'll be able to pay everyone off and you won't see much "hating" if any. Until then, keeping up the pressure is the only recourse the community has when people don't pay back as promised..."he always pays" (eventually) doesn't mean much either; the same could be said for CS4
Can't you just leave him alone Triple D?

It's not clever getting him to react, anyone can do it.

And as unreliable as he may be at meeting deadlines, I doubt a single person who has loaned him points is sitting around thinking "oh shit I am never going to paid". He always pays and he pays more interest than most people as well. If lenders don't know when they will get paid is a lottery then they only have themselves to blame for not doing a search. You are not saving anyone or being noble, you are just being a nasty prick with your constant picking at Wulf. We all know he gets mad easy, no need to show us just how easy it is day after day, week after week, month after month. Give it a flippen rest already! Sheesh.


I don't think you are helping him tto.

He will be happier for the next 10 days if he doesn't have to keep thinking of the next comeback for you to post.

Might just turn that 130k into 7 figures the way he bets if he keeps up concentrating on winning.