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CS4/yisman payback thread (fresh start)

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Quote Originally Posted by BatemanPatrickl View Post
The solution is simple. Do NOT: Loan Carseller points or give him points or help him repay his debt. Let him rot in the degenerate hell he has created for himself. The lenders are part of the problem. He's been a scumbag degenerate stiff for years and will not change. Stop enabling this natural born loser.
If you want to toss his lenders a few points to help him/them out, who cares. He's been making a solid effort lately and I don't see anything wrong with a little positive reinforcement.


Quote Originally Posted by mpaschal34 View Post
I didn't think Carseller would make it out of the ring game with any points. However he took our advice and didn't push his luck. With that I've sent yisman 5 pts on his account towards CS4's behalf.
thanks mp!

balance 12277


When I see CS4 make a good decision (like leaving the table with chips in hand) I feel he should be rewarded. It's not an easy thing for him to do. I don't feel bad about a little "assistance".

What assistance I do feel bad about is going to Walmart during the workday and seeing people with there welfare card buying stuff (when they could be at some place working). I'm on my break, but they are dressed like slobs. They are there getting their free stuff but at the same time checking their iPhone 5. Now that's the shit that pisses me off.
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It's not a ton different. CS4 is the welfare recipient (because he regularly wastes his points in the casino) that was given an iPhone 5 to borrow(15k points). Instead of taking care of it and returning it to its owner he just smashed it and is now trying to raise money (points) to buy a new one to give back. Problem is that he's doing a crappy job at it.


What the newbs don't understand is: This has all been done before, ad nauseam.

Carseller was helped out of debt previously by the ample kindness & generosity of many SBR'ers.
Why do you newbs think some of his harshest critics are some of the most altruistic of SBR'ers? Have you guys ever asked yourselves THAT question? Ah... no.

The harsh criticism is earned and deserved: Carseller views those that help him as "useful idiots". The evidence supporting that statement is voluminous; some here need to educate themselves on this particular matter. He isn't any different than those that game the system out in society -- all that's needed are some useful idiots to help facilitate these type people.

CS has lied, broken promises and scammed many times over and spit in the faces (by his actions) of many that have helped him. He's treated yisman horribly along w/others. That same type person one sees in Walmart talking on the iPhone, buying non-necessities, etc. all while sucking at the gov't teat IS Carseller. He gets his 12pts a day like everyone else. But, he willfully chooses to blow it instead of honoring his responsibilities. Just like the welfare guy that always seems to have money for his beer, smokes & drugs.

I (and others) wholeheartedly endorse the concept of helping others whenever possible; however, those receiving help need to be -- somewhat -- decent human beings. Flawed is OK, nobody's perfect. But, downright proven scumbags don't deserve the help & charity.


Quote Originally Posted by BiTeMe UsAdOj View Post
What the newbs don't understand is: This has all been done before, ad nauseam.

Carseller was helped out of debt previously by the ample kindness & generosity of many SBR'ers.
Why do you newbs think some of his harshest critics are some of the most altruistic of SBR'ers? Have you guys ever asked yourselves THAT question? Ah... no.

The harsh criticism is earned and deserved: Carseller views those that help him as "useful idiots". The evidence supporting that statement is voluminous; some here need to educate themselves on this particular matter. He isn't any different than those that game the system out in society -- all that's needed are some useful idiots to help facilitate these type people.

CS has lied, broken promises and scammed many times over and spit in the faces (by his actions) of many that have helped him. He's treated yisman horribly along w/others. That same type person one sees in Walmart talking on the iPhone, buying non-necessities, etc. all while sucking at the gov't teat IS Carseller. He gets his 12pts a day like everyone else. But, he willfully chooses to blow it instead of honoring his responsibilities. Just like the welfare guy that always seems to have money for his beer, smokes & drugs.

I (and others) wholeheartedly endorse the concept of helping others whenever possible; however, those receiving help need to be -- somewhat -- decent human beings. Flawed is OK, nobody's perfect. But, downright proven scumbags don't deserve the help & charity.
Yep! This sums it up nicely:


Should be required reading before you're granted a user name on SBR.


Quote Originally Posted by BiTeMe UsAdOj View Post
What the newbs don't understand is: This has all been done before, ad nauseam.

Carseller was helped out of debt previously by the ample kindness & generosity of many SBR'ers.
Why do you newbs think some of his harshest critics are some of the most altruistic of SBR'ers? Have you guys ever asked yourselves THAT question? Ah... no.

The harsh criticism is earned and deserved: Carseller views those that help him as "useful idiots". The evidence supporting that statement is voluminous; some here need to educate themselves on this particular matter. He isn't any different than those that game the system out in society -- all that's needed are some useful idiots to help facilitate these type people.

CS has lied, broken promises and scammed many times over and spit in the faces (by his actions) of many that have helped him. He's treated yisman horribly along w/others. That same type person one sees in Walmart talking on the iPhone, buying non-necessities, etc. all while sucking at the gov't teat IS Carseller. He gets his 12pts a day like everyone else. But, he willfully chooses to blow it instead of honoring his responsibilities. Just like the welfare guy that always seems to have money for his beer, smokes & drugs.

I (and others) wholeheartedly endorse the concept of helping others whenever possible; however, those receiving help need to be -- somewhat -- decent human beings. Flawed is OK, nobody's perfect. But, downright proven scumbags don't deserve the help & charity.
everything you said is pretty much...