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Quote Originally Posted by 2daBank View Post
^^^ shitty bout Tmac

What. Isn't shitty is nailed cards total again . Crazy thing is my totals been really good these 1st series and I didn't even check umps once, almost feels dirty, lol..
I know that our good friend No Coin will not agree, but baseball totals are the shit. Nice work starting the season, Bank!


Quote Originally Posted by BiffTFinancial View Post
I know that our good friend No Coin will not agree, but baseball totals are the shit. Nice work starting the season, Bank!
I love totals in every sport.. Never understood nc stance on them, sure there bad and good breaks but no different than sides.. NC does have terrible luck w them tho, dunno if it just cause he bets so few or they just not his thing..


Quote Originally Posted by 2daBank View Post
I love totals in every sport.. Never understood nc stance on them, sure there bad and good breaks but no different than sides.. NC does have terrible luck w them tho, dunno if it just cause he bets so few or they just not his thing..
I understand totals in baseball fairly well. Football some, but I don't get them when they come to my favorite sport basketball. Any pointers?


Quote Originally Posted by BiffTFinancial View Post
Cash Cubs/Rats under 7', FF under 3' for the 2-0 afternoon. Woot!

Really liking Rays, considering upgrading to 2u. Madison, get in here and remind me what happens when I start feeling too optimistic....
Did exactly that...Had to lay the juice because I don't get the -1 line (either ML or -1.5) so was worried a little but no way was I gonna miss doubling up.


Quote Originally Posted by Emancipator View Post
I understand totals in baseball fairly well. Football some, but I don't get them when they come to my favorite sport basketball. Any pointers?
I don't do nba only NCAA hoops, I guess it probably entails the same thing tho, just don't like nba as I find way too hard to determine who gives a shit on any given night. Playoffs I like but I pretty much only do sides.. NCAA I'm sure me or biff could point u in the right direction to give u a foundation, once you have that u can start doing subjective tweaking.. I don't really have lot of free time ATM but if u shoot me a pm sometime I'll try and discuss it w you 1 day this summer..


Quote Originally Posted by 2daBank View Post
I don't do nba only NCAA hoops, I guess it probably entails the same thing tho, just don't like nba as I find way too hard to determine who gives a shit on any given night. Playoffs I like but I pretty much only do sides.. NCAA I'm sure me or biff could point u in the right direction to give u a foundation, once you have that u can start doing subjective tweaking.. I don't really have lot of free time ATM but if u shoot me a pm sometime I'll try and discuss it w you 1 day this summer..
Maybe the start the next season, was just wondering if there was a one two things you focused on.


Quote Originally Posted by Emancipator View Post
Maybe the start the next season, was just wondering if there was a one two things you focused on.
I guess shortest answer for now and a big key is figuring out how many possessions there are gonna be in the gm. After that then u can come up with how many points u expect per possession and so on and so forth.. I'd be more than happy to chit chat bout it sometime before next season.. If u smart like biff and not a computer dummy like me u can make life easier, at same time I think being forced to do my way instead of program has advantages, takes forever tho! Lol