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Best MLB Capper Here on SBR = ME..... Follow Me Part 2

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As a math fanatic, I've been lurking for a while trying to better understand the emotional aspect and different strategies and theories involved in capping. I just began posting to threads the other day. It's hard to fathom how much time and energy people waste on useless, unproductive shit. Does trying to put a stranger in the dumps really make some of you posters feel better about yourselves? "Ohhhhhh, damn.... I TOLD YOU SO..." Really? Thats what you wake up and look forward to? You can try and justify it as "I'm trying to get rid of the riff raff...etc..." Again, really? Trying to get rid of them by shooting their thread to the top? This is a public forum.. so who really cares? You can choose to pick his side or not but if you spend your time bickering with strangers I will fade your f*ck'n life any day (yes, I realize the irony in posting this). Anyone that is on here and does 'well' probably isn't doing well enough that they are going to stop posting on a betting forum 24/7 and take a vacation somewhere nice. If you're here it should be for input or discussion. If you're here for any other reason you should probably take a close look at your life and stop focusing on other people. If you are here for legitimate reasons (and it's obvious who you are), I apologize but thats not what i've witnessed from the majority of regular posters. I don't give a shit if you win or lose, your plays are your decision but if you bitch about people betting 'like they are under the age of thirty'.. and you're over the age of thirty... I would guess you're living a very miserable life in your parents basement or not far from it. A forum like this should not be like the comment section of the online editorial section of a national paper. Just shouldn't, thats not the intentions of forums like these. I don't feel better by posting this but hope someone takes a reality check. Thanks for wasting my time.


Quote Originally Posted by TKTKTK View Post
As a math fanatic, I've been lurking for a while trying to better understand the emotional aspect and different strategies and theories involved in capping. I just began posting to threads the other day. It's hard to fathom how much time and energy people waste on useless, unproductive shit. Does trying to put a stranger in the dumps really make some of you posters feel better about yourselves? "Ohhhhhh, damn.... I TOLD YOU SO..." Really? Thats what you wake up and look forward to? You can try and justify it as "I'm trying to get rid of the riff raff...etc..." Again, really? Trying to get rid of them by shooting their thread to the top? This is a public forum.. so who really cares? You can choose to pick his side or not but if you spend your time bickering with strangers I will fade your f*ck'n life any day (yes, I realize the irony in posting this). Anyone that is on here and does 'well' probably isn't doing well enough that they are going to stop posting on a betting forum 24/7 and take a vacation somewhere nice. If you're here it should be for input or discussion. If you're here for any other reason you should probably take a close look at your life and stop focusing on other people. If you are here for legitimate reasons (and it's obvious who you are), I apologize but thats not what i've witnessed from the majority of regular posters. I don't give a shit if you win or lose, your plays are your decision but if you bitch about people betting 'like they are under the age of thirty'.. and you're over the age of thirty... I would guess you're living a very miserable life in your parents basement or not far from it. A forum like this should not be like the comment section of the online editorial section of a national paper. Just shouldn't, thats not the intentions of forums like these. I don't feel better by posting this but hope someone takes a reality check. Thanks for wasting my time.
I think a lot of people on this site have low self esteem so putting others down while their in the dumps makes them feel good about themselves
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Quote Originally Posted by wehustlin View Post
Aha I can't stand when people start talkin shit hoe ass niggaz man!!...keep it Rollin BP I believe in you it happens to the best!!!
Thanks bro means a lot…. shits depressing a.f too be losing like this… but ima do my best to turn things around… going to reup my account tomorrow morning and just act like its a brand new season and fresh start! Pay no mind to these dudes that infiltrate my thread with their negative bullish.it bro… Lets get this $$$


Quote Originally Posted by nexus13 View Post
BP, there are many people who still believe in your capping abilities. Just ignore this trash talk and bounce back. It's the ending number that counts when the season is over.
Thanks bro thats what i intend on doing… Going to reup my account tomorrow and start fresh….. Cheers ma dude