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Girls that go to the gym

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Young girls who go to the gym, unless they are an athlete for some sport, are rare.

If you go to a regular public gym, most you will see are actually older women (like 30s and 40s and up). They may LOOK young, but that's because they work out, they are ALWAYS a lot older than they appear. At my old gym, I used to see TONS of really hot women, thought they were all mid-twenties, turns out they are all 34, 35, have kids, divorced etc... (generally NOT for me because I am young)

Young girls don't generally even GO to the gym (again unless in some type of sport), because all a young girl has to do to look good is to not eat. And many of them just don't eat and men still faun over them. It's when they get into their mid-30s that they realize, 'shit, I'm not eating but still gaining weight', because their metabolism slows down.

If they are married, they WILL NOT join a gym, BUT if they are unmarried or divorced, it's at this point that they WILL join a gym. These types of women generally do not look for attention in the gym YET. They are just getting into it and still feel insecure. They will join women's only classes at first, try to work out when not many people are there. It's when they start to feel a bit sexier that they begin to want people to notice them and they start wearing spandex, getting their hair done to go to the gym etc...

The rare young girl that goes who's not into sports but just works out for the hell of it is ALWAYS there for ulterior reasons. They know they don't need to workout, they can just not eat like the rest of girls their age and look good. They don't need to be conditioned for sports, so why are they there? From experience, I've noticed they either come just to gossip, or to chat with specific trainers they find attractive. Sometimes they even just come in flirt with the trainers, and then leave.


Are you guys for real? Just not eat means staying in shape? Hollywood has destroyed the minds of young women. Many are tight as fukk because they go to the gym 5x a week. People need to work out to stay in shape. They go for the same reason I go. To stay in shape. It's not fukkin social hour.


Quote Originally Posted by Deuce View Post
Are you guys for real? Just not eat means staying in shape? Hollywood has destroyed the minds of young women. Many are tight as fukk because they go to the gym 5x a week. People need to work out to stay in shape. They go for the same reason I go. To stay in shape. It's not fukkin social hour.
Deuce, this is just from my observation. Spent most of my life in the gym and work in one now. I go to a university gym too, and apart from girls on the sports teams, very few actually come to workout. Some tag along with their bfs and just stand around. But of course, they still look decent because they just don't eat.