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Default People Are Sharing The Wildest Thing

They've Ever Heard On A Plane, And Some Of These Made My Jaw Drop

1."I was flying solo into Orlando. The woman next to me was so excited about her new boyfriend's boat and was going on and penetrating on about how excited she was for this trip. I nodded and put my headphones in, and about one minute later, she grabbed the cord on my headphone and pulled it out of my ear so she could blather on about it. I asked her if she had lost her mother damn mind."

2."I sat next to a teenage boy and his dad. The kid was telling his dad how much he loved the song 'Sexual Healing' by Marvin Gaye. When the kid was finally done talking, the dad just looked at him and said, 'You’re a virgin.'"

3."Not so much what he said, but I sat next to this fully grown man that was playing Plants vs. Zombies for the whole three-hour flight with incredible enthusiasm. Every time a plant got eaten or he killed a difficult zombie, he'd jump in his seat, pump his fist, and aggressively whisper: 'Yeerrsss, YEERRSSS, gert 'em yessss.'"

4."Some guy told his partner that she didn't need more yarn, and every woman in earshot promptly told him how wrong he was."

5."I was sitting next to a father with his small child. The child wouldn't stop hopping around until the father said, 'Sit still and be a good boy or the plane will crash because of you, and we will end up dying.' Never seen a kid so quiet before."

6.“I’ve told you many times, Brenda, I am not shaving my balls! They are my balls, and I’m a man!”

7."I was flying to Seattle from Atlanta, and there was a baby crying for the majority of the flight. The parents were doing their best, and it really was not their fault; it was just a shitty situation. About halfway to Seattle, the man seated in front of the baby snapped and started screaming at the baby and his parents, cursing at them saying how they’re awful parents and he’s gonna beat them all (including the baby) to a pulp when they land. A flight attendant tried to ask the guy to calm down, and he said he would also beat her up. The pilot had to come on and tell everyone to calm down or else we had to make an early landing. We made it to Seattle, and the guy ended up having to be tackled by four cops at the gate because he was trying to run away after being approached by them."

8."I overheard a passenger passionately arguing with their seat-mate about the correct way to eat a slice of pizza with chopsticks."

9."Passenger A is struggling to get his luggage into the overhead compartment, and passenger B seated next to me starts getting upset. A's carry-on clearly doesn't fit. B speaks up saying to be careful because his luggage is there. The flight attendant comes over and says passenger A needs to check his bag. A grows increasingly disturbed, but it works out. Then A says to the flight attendant, 'I'm sorry, it's just that I haven't taken my medication. I get so nervous with all these body bags on board. You know, I have body parts in my luggage.' Passenger B turns to me and says, 'Did you hear that? I just have a laptop in my luggage!'"

10."Before takeoff, after the doors were closed, a kid of about 6 or 7 years old toward the front of the plane stood up on his seat, faced the rest of the plane and yelled, 'We’re all gonna dieee!' while his parents tried to pull him back down."

11."I was sitting next to a young woman and her boyfriend on a flight about to depart to San Diego. They were going for a romantic getaway, and apparently, she decided to 'find God' on the way to the airport. What did that mean? Well, she decided that they weren’t having sex anymore until he married her — but kissing, hand-holding, and other PG-rated intimacy were perfectly ok. The boyfriend tried his best not to flip out, but you could tell he was very agitated. An hour later, we’re in the air, and they’re both awkwardly sitting there without saying a word. She gasped and started crying rather loudly. Apparently, he logged into the plane's Wi-Fi, canceled the hotel, and booked himself a turnaround flight home. Pretty sure they were done as well."

12."A guy coming home early to bust a cheating wife. He was on the phone with a friend/family member who told him the other guy was at his house, and they didn't expect him back until the next week."

13."When we were literally about to touch down, a lady got up and started walking urgently toward the bathroom. The cabin crew immediately started saying, 'Madam! We’re about to land! You have to sit down!' The lady responded by screaming in a panic, 'I’M GONNA SHIT ME-SELF!!!' They allowed her to continue."

14."A 5-year-old boy once said, 'Dad, can you ask them to pull over so I can go to the toilet?'"

15."Once on a 10:00 flight, the captain got on the intercom right before take-off to blast techno music and tell us it was 'Taco party time.'"



7."I was flying to Seattle from Atlanta, and there was a baby crying for the majority of the flight. The parents were doing their best, and it really was not their fault;

Yes, it was their fault for bringing a baby on a plane. Babies ear's can't handle the pressure changes and it's very painful and uncomfortable for them. That's why they cry. They're not crying because they're happy. Leave your fukking kid at home until they're old enough to behave in public.