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Censorship in Canada by Pearce J. Carefoote University of Toronto

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Default Censorship in Canada by Pearce J. Carefoote University of Toronto

"From the banning of Moličre in seventeenth-century Quebec to the challenges faced by Margaret Laurence for her novel The Diviners beginning in the 1970s, censorship has been a thorn in the side of Canada’s literary and publishing history. Government officials, customs agents, the church, the religious right, and arbiters of “social correctness” have played a major role in enforcing and influencing regulations regarding censorship. Their actions have led to the establishment, by authors, publishers, librarians, and citizens, of numerous groups and events designed to highlight the democratic rights of Canadians to buy and read books and magazines of their choice." Article continued at http://hpcanpub.mcmaster.ca/case-stu...sorship-canada

Canada; what a sorry nation pretending to be free. Now you know why they call it CANUCKASTAN.


Quote Originally Posted by MoMoneyMoVaughn View Post
Leave my Alma Mater out of this Ezekial
Alma Mater in that you attended or graduated from there? If a grad, what did you get your degree in?

Education is one field that I will acknowledge Canadian superiority. You are much better on the primary and secondary levels than the USA because you don't have to dumb down your curriculum to cater to a large populace of congoids.

However on the University level the USA is still the best as a whole.
Last edited by Isaiah; 11-25-15 at 08:48 PM.