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Best store to actually score a brand new cheap HDTV on Black Thursday/Friday!

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Default Best store to actually score a brand new cheap HDTV on Black Thursday/Friday!

Don't hold ur breath expecting to score one from Best Buy or Amazon w/o a ton of effort!Midwest grocer Meijer once again selling a 49 inch Element HDTV for 169.99 Black Thursday or a 55 inch Element HDTV for 249.99 Black Friday.Obviously not a brand of HDTV u would use as ur main sets but may be great for other areas of da house


I did that once at Walmart years and years ago. It was the only year I did Black Friday. It was also around the time HDTV began taking off. Some guy cut in line took one of the TVs and started running. Funny shit.


Ive gone to a few black fridays over the years. One year we went to Best Buy right as they were getting ready to open. (this was before the voucher things they do now). I didnt even go to buy anything but watching the people was pretty funny. I live in the south and were already borderline intellectually and then you throw in a few cheapies on TVs and such and it makes for some quality entertainment.

Few almost fist fights and a police call later and I was being asked questions as a witness.


Don't have to camp out hardly at all.Meijer open 24/7 but will prolly close for a hour prior to these promos for obvious reasons.Cashier told me they didn't have any issues as there were plenty of tv's.My ex-best friend told me his nephew has bought a few brand new name brand HDTV's from da ghetto off Craigslist with no problems for $300 or less!
Quote Originally Posted by Kermit View Post
I honestly never could understand why people would camp out overnight to save $200 on a C level HDTV.
Last edited by megamillionslose; 11-07-15 at 09:05 AM.