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Glenn beck

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Default Glenn beck

Glenn beck is now for immigration. I say yes glenn bring them all in(funny), latinos will be running the country in 20 years anyway, why not get in their good graces early in this planned process.
The latino/hispanics will be integrated into whitedom(so to speak)like the irish,jews and italians were later on after there migration in this country.
Last but definitely not least, after these good people come in and get some cohesion(might take about 20 years) the so called middle class jobs will migrate to them, presently these jobs are mostly occupied by whites, after this you will see a small revolution(more on that at a later date). Now, the jobs poor whites and poor blacks use to occupy and were used to feed their families are slowly disappearing to the immigrants(not just latino but all groups).If you do not have a 2year degree or a useful trade you will be in trouble in this country.
Latino's hate blacks and im ok with that, you will never see me on the front lines like these black so called civil rights leaders and politicians.I have personally witnessed the writing on the wall and if you are a black american taking note of these events you better strap up or leave the country(see the arabs), I am choosing strapping up.
To the righteous........................Peace be upon you
To the race sellouts.....................slow death
Last edited by nate turner; 07-19-14 at 07:48 AM.


European nations give illegal immigrants free welfare.

To bankrupt the government, thus destroying european culture and society.

Europe is essentially a prostitute with its legs spread wanting every illegal to fk them.

If you disagree with this, you're a "racist".

Last edited by Sanity Check; 08-21-18 at 09:12 PM.