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IT'S ON! China Plans To Seize Island from Philippines Says Battle Will Be Restricted

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Default IT'S ON! China Plans To Seize Island from Philippines Says Battle Will Be Restricted

Following Japan's proclamations that it will take over another 280 'disputed ownership' islands, it appears the increasingly dis-approved of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's path of militarism and provocation is working. As China Daily Mail reports, citing experts, China intends to take back Zhongye Island - 'illegally' occupied by the Philippines, according to the Chinese. The Chinese navy has drawn a detailed combat plan to seize the island and the battle will be restricted within the South China Sea. Philippines military is building up on the island and the Chinese see as 'intolerable' the "arrogance" relying on US support. It seems the Obama administration may have to 'not take sides' in another fight soon.


Quote Originally Posted by PhillyFlyers View Post
You say that, but let's see how many strong nations will step up and try to prevent them from doing so.

Where's mighty England?

Well seeing as England has been helping America fight in Afghanistan they have there hands full or had you forgotten that,what the f@cks China been doing but trying to steal Islands off other countries.

Keep on laughing to yourself there smart guy.



Quote Originally Posted by packerd_00 View Post
Well seeing as England has been helping America fight in Afghanistan they have there hands full or had you forgotten that,what the f@cks China been doing but trying to steal Islands off other countries.

Keep on laughing to yourself there smart guy.

England is in Afghanistan helping the US?

No wonder the US is having so much trouble there.