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Whats with the "i" hommo's on CBC ?

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Default Whats with the "i" hommo's on CBC ?

Is it me or does anyone else think someones got a rainbow keychain on the CBC "I" DESK. The one "guy" (lightly stated) with the goatee who's a Jim Rome wanna-b. The nerd partner and this PJ guy . Comee onnnnnnn CBC your to cheap to keep yah theme and now this? If yah never seen it , at one point it was real brand hockey intermission. They had the "hot stove" loaded with league info. by ppl in the know. Coaches corner with Don Cherry , who held nothing back. ie. Russians are wimps and women shouldnt be at hockey games cuz they dont pay attention and keep gettin hit with the puck. To a guy named "PJ" who looks like the paper boy and apparently played in the NHL. My guess is sharpening skates . Along with two flamin' fruit baskets wit laptops along side . The only thing yah can think of during the intermission is "I wonder which ones plays the women"