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Almost 50, Martha Maccullum on FOX News best looking babe in world but a real A-hole

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Default Almost 50, Martha Maccullum on FOX News best looking babe in world but a real A-hole

She's got to have the most perfect fetures a woman can have,she's flawless.Perfect complexion,beautiful eyes,perfect hair,perfect voice and perfect teeth. I actually think if they computer generated some beauty formula quotient,she would come in number 1 in the world for best looking woman. She's in her upper 40's and has 3 kids too.Good lineage and genes like Secretariat.I thought she was in her early 30's before I Wikapedia-ed her today.The woman is one of the most annoying in the world too and you would love to get her in a dunk tank with Siberian glacial water in it.Either that or just bitch slap her.Politically she is somewhere between an arch conservative neocon,a statist,collectivist and national socialist.She just rolls her eyes and almost says koo koo when the subject of Ron Paul comes up.She was kissing that gun grabber witch Sarah Brady's ass today when she was a guest on her show.Martha is one of those that screeches about how some school dropped saying the pledge of allegiance and is unamerican and doesn't even know that a socialist named Francis Bellamy wrote the pledge.She is a whole hearted believer that what ever the government forces you to do is good because it's for the good of the people as a whole and they know what's best for you.She's the furthest thing from an individualist libertarian sort. If the government forces your kid to get vaccinated,you better do it even if you think it causes the chance to get autism goes way up. I have a hunch Martha was a junior Narc squeeler in school and was a cross walk girl with a flag and uniform where she could rat on kids that J-walked.I'm sure she's all for 3 year old babies getting groped by the homeland ''motherland'' TSA security agents that stick their hands down their diapers.

She's on the air at about 12 noon eastern time on FOX News.
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Last edited by BrentCrude; 05-13-11 at 11:23 PM.


Ain't it a shame that if you are a beautiful woman you can get away with screeching about anything that would repulse men but those same guys will stand in line waiting for you to break wind so they can be privileged enough to smell the aroma.And they say it's a man's world.Hell,women control all the deck.


Quote Originally Posted by InTheDrink View Post
I mean you really don't think those two pics are the same broad do you?

Sick thread. The broad in the bikini is like 30.
I have to agree...the 2nd pic doesn't look like the same gal. Not to mention if the 2nd pic is her at almost 50...damn...plus if that body has 3 kids she is either babysitting for a friend or adopted them.