I have used Rich Allen's picks for a few years now and I completely accept him as a genuine guy. I stopped using his baseball pics as they seemed to be the weakest of his American sports portfolio.

Some moves ago he introduced a soccer picks service 'BLM', he did not pick them himself, this was done by some guy called Chuck. They run as an A, B, C, progression. It started really well, the first month there were no C Bet losses, but since then the wheels have well and truly come off. 'Chuck' took over the sending out of emails, twice making a mistake and ending up sending out the complete email list, so since I have been bombarded with emails from the east of europe.

Has anyone else had any experience of this service? I have contacted Rich a number of times, voicing my concerns, and to be totally fair to him, he has answered every time. To be honest, I think he is now feeling the strain of this poor service, Any thoughts?