1. #3711
    slewfan's Avatar SBR Posting Legend
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hareeba! View Post
    Republicans: “The BORDER is an URGENT CRISIS.”
    Democrats: “Ok, let’s see what we can do.”
    Republicans: “Never mind. Can’t do anything regarding the border for the next ten months if it might help Joe Biden.”
    Truth: Republicans don’t care about the border.
    This is Biden's problem and you still deny it. Now it is everyone's problem and you have yet to realize.

    Abbott calls out blue cities' hypocrisy on migrants: 'They're for illegal immigration as long as it's Texas'

  2. #3712
    Optional's Avatar Moderator
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    Quote Originally Posted by DwightShrute View Post

    replace it with a tax form the size of a postcard. Flat tax. You make X, your tax is 10%. Simple. Put a value added tax on most everything else.
    It sounds good on the surface but consumption based taxation disproportionately affects those that spend the greatest percentage of their income on living expenses.

    So we still need to have income based tax tiers to keep it fair to all.

  3. #3713
    I don't believe you ... please continue
    DwightShrute's Avatar SBR Aristocracy
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    Quote Originally Posted by Optional View Post
    It sounds good on the surface but consumption based taxation disproportionately affects those that spend the greatest percentage of their income on living expenses.

    So we still need to have income based tax tiers to keep it fair to all.
    I understand that is the traditional thinking but how's that working out? 33 trillion in debt. 70,000 pages tax code. All sorts of loopholes designed by politicians who get donations to design them.

    If you flat tax it, you could have exemptions for anyone earning below X amount. No tax whatsoever. For those earning over X amount, they pay 10% lets say. I am not saying it has to be 10%. Maybe 15%. The more you earn, the more you pay. Also the additional VAT (value added tax) or GST (good and services tax) is a way to ensure that even those working for Cash still pay a share of the taxes. Something at least. Hookers who buy condoms can't escape paying something into the system. Trojans will cost an extra few cents. A pack of gum will cost 6 cents more. Etc.

    I think its an idea whose time has come. Level the playing field. No more 0 tax on corporations making billions a year.

    Imagine getting your yearly income statement, taking a postcard tax form and sending a check to the government for 10% of the gross? Why does it have to be so complicated? Who said so? I will tell ya who. Those people in government who very existence depends on the perceived need of the people they tell them they are needed. Government, with only a few exceptions, should be a part time job. The politicians should only need to be in their offices 3-4 months of the year. The rest of the time, they should be out there like everyone else, making a living, raising families, and doing what everyone else is doing. For the majority of the year, for most of these civil servants, its nothing but run-out-the-clock, rake in the huge salaries and benefits. Am I wrong? Wouldn't they be even more effective at the government jobs if they had to actually work in the cities and communities they represent? I think so. How could they not be?
    Last edited by DwightShrute; 01-05-24 at 01:42 PM.

  4. #3714
    khicks26's Avatar SBR Aristocracy
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    Quote Originally Posted by DwightShrute View Post
    nice try.

    You can never rid of every single ISIS terrorist. Trump did destroy the ISIS caliphate and you heard virtually nothing about ISIS since he took the fight to ISIS. Then Biden came into power. He gave money back to Iran and relaxed teh sanctions. Now Hamas has money and its not a shocker to hear about ISIS again. Biden is weak. America's enemies see it and take advantage of it.

    Once again, wisdom has been chasing you but you seems to evade it somehow.
    Jesus Christ! You have to be the stupidest poster on here.

    Iran is Shia, ISIS is Sunni. These groups don't like each other. Giving money (which was their money to begin with) to Iran would not help ISIS.

    You know what did help ISIS? Killing Iranian general Soleimani who was fighting ISIS. Which you can give all the credit to the Orange Blob.

    Who funds ISIS you ask? Saudi Arabia, who paid to have golf events at Trump courses. Who also gave Trumps son-in-law 2 billion dollars.

    YOUR so called wisdom makes you an enemy to America. Not a surprise, you don't even live here.

    Your brain is to twisted to talk about any political issue. STFU.
    Last edited by khicks26; 01-05-24 at 03:03 PM.

  5. #3715
    khicks26's Avatar SBR Aristocracy
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    Quote Originally Posted by DwightShrute View Post
    replace it with a tax form the size of a postcard. Flat tax. You make X, your tax is 10%. Simple. Put a value added tax on most everything else.
    Now you quote Ted Cruz and his give more to the rich tax scheme.

  6. #3716
    khicks26's Avatar SBR Aristocracy
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    Quote Originally Posted by DwightShrute View Post
    Speaking of facts: to this date, no person has been charged for taking part in an insurrection. It was a protest that turned into a riot. A small percentage of idiots rioted.

    A few months earlier, 574 riots all over the country happened. Billions in damage, thousands of people injured, over a thousand police injured, dozens killed, and looting. Also, more police were injured at Lafayette Park than on J6. Media silence.

    Where they are telling where to look, they are telling you where NOT to look.
    Months ago you said Jan 6 was a hoax.
    Last edited by khicks26; 01-05-24 at 02:40 PM.

  7. #3717
    khicks26's Avatar SBR Aristocracy
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    Quote Originally Posted by DwightShrute View Post
    I understand that is the traditional thinking but how's that working out? 33 trillion in debt. 70,000 pages tax code. All sorts of loopholes designed by politicians who get donations to design them.

    If you flat tax it, you could have exemptions for anyone earning below X amount. No tax whatsoever. For those earning over X amount, they pay 10% lets say. I am not saying it has to be 10%. Maybe 15%. The more you earn, the more you pay. Also the additional VAT (value added tax) or GST (good and services tax) is a way to ensure that even those working for Cash still pay a share of the taxes. Something at least. Hookers who buy condoms can't escape paying something into the system. Trojans will cost an extra few cents. A pack of gum will cost 6 cents more. Etc.

    I think its an idea whose time has come. Level the playing field. No more 0 tax on corporations making billions a year.

    Imagine getting your yearly income statement, taking a postcard tax form and sending a check to the government for 10% of the gross? Why does it have to be so complicated? Who said so? I will tell ya who. Those people in government who very existence depends on the perceived need of the people they tell them they are needed. Government, with only a few exceptions, should be a part time job. The politicians should only need to be in their offices 3-4 months of the year. The rest of the time, they should be out there like everyone else, making a living, raising families, and doing what everyone else is doing. For the majority of the year, for most of these civil servants, its nothing but run-out-the-clock, rake in the huge salaries and benefits. Am I wrong? Wouldn't they be even more effective at the government jobs if they had to actually work in the cities and communities they represent? I think so. How could they not be?
    As I said twisted brain, you know not what you are saying. Libertarianism is a lie funded by rich men, for rich men.

  8. #3718
    khicks26's Avatar SBR Aristocracy
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    Quote Originally Posted by Optional View Post
    It sounds good on the surface but consumption based taxation disproportionately affects those that spend the greatest percentage of their income on living expenses.

    So we still need to have income based tax tiers to keep it fair to all.

  9. #3719
    khicks26's Avatar SBR Aristocracy
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    Quote Originally Posted by Emily_Haines View Post
    I'm starting to like this guy more than Trump. Only thing he needs to add is putting many democrats in prison.

    Some of Vivek Ramaswamy’s policy if elected President:

    - Remove the Department of Education.
    - Raise the Voting age to 25.
    - Ban congressional stock trading.
    - Ban lobbying for current politicians
    - Replace the IRS
    - 8 year term limits for Federal Bureaucrats.
    - Government issued Voter IDs
    - Same Day Voting
    - Paper Ballots
    - Pardoning Julian Assange
    - Remove Teacher Unions
    1. No school for poor kids, take us back to the 1800s.
    2.So its easier for republicans to win.
    3.Of course.
    4.Ban lobbying all together that is corporate funded.
    5.So rich people don't have to pay tax's. Stupid.
    6.An election is a term limit.
    7.So less people can vote.
    10. Yes but don't expect Trump to do it.
    11. Unions are labor power, more money for the rich without them.

    At least you got some right, not sure how.

  10. #3720
    khicks26's Avatar SBR Aristocracy
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    Quote Originally Posted by b1slickguy View Post
    Yes Ron. To bad your politics are for shit.

  11. #3721
    khicks26's Avatar SBR Aristocracy
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    Quote Originally Posted by khicks26 View Post
    Trump fart smeller

  12. #3722
    khicks26's Avatar SBR Aristocracy
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    Quote Originally Posted by khicks26 View Post
    Clown of all clowns

  13. #3723
    khicks26's Avatar SBR Aristocracy
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    Quote Originally Posted by khicks26 View Post
    Goebbels prodigy

  14. #3724
    getaloadoffatso's Avatar SBR Wise Guy
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    Khicks thorazine just kicked in

    Might want to adjust that dose chief

  15. #3725
    khicks26's Avatar SBR Aristocracy
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    Quote Originally Posted by getaloadoffatso View Post

    Khicks thorazine just kicked in

    Might want to adjust that dose chief
    What's thorazine and how do you know what it does?

    Is it a weight loss drug fatso?
    Last edited by khicks26; 01-05-24 at 03:38 PM.

  16. #3726
    Tom, What do I do now?
    hehfest's Avatar SBR Hall of Famer
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    Don't think for a second that Epstein Island is the only "club" that exists. When you once went out clubbing you had a variety of clubs to choose from. So, these people, if not on Schindler Mossad's list, could very well have been/or could be going to another Pedo location. That means people not on this list could be going elsewhere.

    These are all sick disgusting people running your corporations, countries, politics, banks, hedge funds, etc. They need to be held accountable. The elites who run and operate all those factions. Yes, including the Trump faction too.
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  17. #3727
    b1slickguy's Avatar SBR Posting Legend
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  18. #3728
    I don't believe you ... please continue
    DwightShrute's Avatar SBR Aristocracy
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    Quote Originally Posted by khicks26 View Post
    Months ago you said Jan 6 was a hoax.
    I never said that. Nice try.

  19. #3729
    VeggieDog's Avatar SBR Hall of Famer
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  20. #3730
    khicks26's Avatar SBR Aristocracy
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    Quote Originally Posted by DwightShrute View Post
    I never said that. Nice try.
    Sure you did. You said it was like a tour of the capital.

    Sad you can't even remember your own talking points.

  21. #3731
    khicks26's Avatar SBR Aristocracy
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    Quote Originally Posted by khicks26 View Post
    Jesus Christ! You have to be the stupidest poster on here.

    Iran is Shia, ISIS is Sunni. These groups don't like each other. Giving money (which was their money to begin with) to Iran would not help ISIS.

    You know what did help ISIS? Killing Iranian general Soleimani who was fighting ISIS. Which you can give all the credit to the Orange Blob.

    Who funds ISIS you ask? Saudi Arabia, who paid to have golf events at Trump courses. Who also gave Trumps son-in-law 2 billion dollars.

    YOUR so called wisdom makes you an enemy to America. Not a surprise, you don't even live here.

    Your brain is to twisted to talk about any political issue. STFU.
    Why not reply to this post Dwight?

  22. #3732
    I don't believe you ... please continue
    DwightShrute's Avatar SBR Aristocracy
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    Quote Originally Posted by khicks26 View Post
    Sure you did. You said it was like a tour of the capital.

    Sad you can't even remember your own talking points.
    I never said that ever. See the thing about lying is you need to keep track of them all. When you tell the truth you don't. Now of course this really doesn't totally apply to your baseless accusation does it? You are implying that nothing happened on J6th when you claim I said it was a hoax. How stupid and/or dishonest would someone have to be in order to claim it was a hoax?

    Let's begin with understanding what a hoax is. You seem to continuously use words without understanding their meaning. You do that with fascist, Nazi and a few more we've been witness to over the years. Anyways, back to hoax. I will save you the time.

    A hoax (noun):

    an act intended to trick or dupe. assumed the bomb threat was just a hoax
    something accepted or established by fraud or fabrication. believes the Loch Ness Monster is a hoax

    Jan 6th was a legal protest because of a stolen election that took place 2 month prior, that turned into a riot by a few idiots. That is what happened. There was no insurrection. Not a single person has been charged with an insurrection. The reason for this is simple. There was no insurrection. Those are just facts.

    I have repeatedly condemned the violence that happened on that day. I have also been critical of the overreach by the government and law enforcement when it comes to arresting trespassers that day. That included holding them in solitary confinement for months without charges and purposely withholding video evidence from defendants, their legal council and the courts. As witnessed with the Shaman guy, who simply walked around being escorted by Capitol Cops. He was polite to them all and left when he was asked to. Nothing he, and hundreds of others, did warranted this kind of response by law enforcement. Once the video showed this, after several months of being held in solitary imprisonment and being forced to take a 4-year plea deal for trespassing rather than face up to 20 years, he was released immediately because his lawyer was finally allowed to see the video which exonerated his client and he showed the Judge. That is banana republic stuff and yes, I have also stated this fact numerous times.

    You aren't even capable of being honest with yourself. I don't expect you to be honest with me.

  23. #3733
    khicks26's Avatar SBR Aristocracy
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    Quote Originally Posted by DwightShrute View Post
    I never said that ever. See the thing about lying is you need to keep track of them all. When you tell the truth you don't. Now of course this really doesn't totally apply to your baseless accusation does it? You are implying that nothing happened on J6th when you claim I said it was a hoax. How stupid and/or dishonest would someone have to be in order to claim it was a hoax?

    Let's begin with understanding what a hoax is. You seem to continuously use words without understanding their meaning. You do that with fascist, Nazi and a few more we've been witness to over the years. Anyways, back to hoax. I will save you the time.

    A hoax (noun):

    an act intended to trick or dupe. assumed the bomb threat was just a hoax
    something accepted or established by fraud or fabrication. believes the Loch Ness Monster is a hoax

    Jan 6th was a legal protest because of a stolen election that took place 2 month prior, that turned into a riot by a few idiots. That is what happened. There was no insurrection. Not a single person has been charged with an insurrection. The reason for this is simple. There was no insurrection. Those are just facts.

    I have repeatedly condemned the violence that happened on that day. I have also been critical of the overreach by the government and law enforcement when it comes to arresting trespassers that day. That included holding them in solitary confinement for months without charges and purposely withholding video evidence from defendants, their legal council and the courts. As witnessed with the Shaman guy, who simply walked around being escorted by Capitol Cops. He was polite to them all and left when he was asked to. Nothing he, and hundreds of others, did warranted this kind of response by law enforcement. Once the video showed this, after several months of being held in solitary imprisonment and being forced to take a 4-year plea deal for trespassing rather than face up to 20 years, he was released immediately because his lawyer was finally allowed to see the video which exonerated his client and he showed the Judge. That is banana republic stuff and yes, I have also stated this fact numerous times.

    You aren't even capable of being honest with yourself. I don't expect you to be honest with me.

    Dude, you said that is was like tour. I remember more of the stupid shit you say than you do.

    As for the rest of the stuff, might take you a few years to get over those lies.

    As for the clowns that rioted, they didn't get a 10th of what a black person would have got. So cry me a river.

    I will say what I said the day it happened. I get why people did what they did, and the anger in this country over the government. What I don't understand is why they did it for a conman clown who was telling them lies. It just shows how out of touch people in this country are, and how out of touch you are.

    Those people are no different than the tribe that lived on an island years ago. They used all the wood for fire and couldn't build boats. Then ran out food that the trees produced. They build giant stone statues to false gods to save them (Trump = false god in this story). In the end they turned on each other and committed cannibalism. No one made it off the island.

    Now if they worked together they might have come up with something to save everyone.

    See that's the problem with the rioters and people like you. You can't get off the island because of your own self interest. Dwight I have never been dishonest with you, and you can't say the same. I know you better than you know yourself.

    Those are facts. Not the garbage you cook up in your silly ass head.
    Last edited by khicks26; 01-05-24 at 08:58 PM.

  24. #3734
    getaloadoffatso's Avatar SBR Wise Guy
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    Quote Originally Posted by khicks26 View Post
    Dude, you said that is was like tour. I remember more of the stupid shit you say than you do.

    As for the rest of the stuff, might take you a few years to get over those lies.

    As for the clowns that rioted, they didn't get a 10th of what a black person would have got. So cry me a river.

    I will say what I said the day it happened. I get why people did what they did, and the anger in this country over the government. What I don't understand is why they did it for a conman clown who was telling them lies. It just shows how out of touch people in this country are, and how out of touch you are.

    Those people are no different than the tribe that lived on an island years ago. They used all the wood for fire and couldn't build boats. Then ran out food that the trees produced. They build giant stone statues to false gods to save them (Trump = false god in this story). In the end they turned on each other and committed cannibalism. No one made it off the island.

    Now if they worked together they might have come up with something to save everyone.

    See that's the problem with the rioters and people like you. You can't get off the island because of your own self interest. Dwight I have never been dishonest with you, and you can't say the same. I know you better than you know yourself.

    Those are facts. Not the garbage you cook up in your silly ass head.

    More thorazine please

  25. #3735
    d2bets's Avatar BARRELED IN @ SBR!
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    Quote Originally Posted by slewfan View Post
    Well, well, well.

    It's turns out that Hillary and Bill are the real deplorables. Hillary had to know about all of Bills trips to fantasy Island.

    Proving once again that they are the true low lives.
    Did Melania know about Donald's activities?

  26. #3736
    d2bets's Avatar BARRELED IN @ SBR!
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    Only one Epstein client is running for President. Guess who.

  27. #3737
    Hareeba!'s Avatar BARRELED IN @ SBR!
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    Originally Posted by DwightShrute

    Jan 6th was a legal protest because of a stolen election that took place 2 month prior

    This is the same guy who is forever falsely calling ME a LIAR!!

    He continually spouts this big lie touted by his cult leader.

    Despite at least 60 court cases and no end of calls for any evidence to support it there is zero evidence.

    But that will never stop the MAGAts like DipShit.

    Last edited by Hareeba!; 01-05-24 at 10:57 PM. Reason: u

  28. #3738
    khicks26's Avatar SBR Aristocracy
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    Quote Originally Posted by getaloadoffatso View Post

    More thorazine please
    What's thorazine and how do you know what it does?

    Is it a weight loss drug fatso?

  29. #3739
    khicks26's Avatar SBR Aristocracy
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    Quote Originally Posted by d2bets View Post
    Did Melania know about Donald's activities?
    pretty sure she did.

  30. #3740
    The Lord of No Rings..AJ Smith Egomaniac
    hanco21's Avatar SBR MVP
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    Quote Originally Posted by d2bets View Post
    Only one Epstein client is running for President. Guess who.
    guess which two presidents were on epsteins plane/visitors list. You got it, Obama and Biden. They are obviously protecting them. This is all a play right before the election. Do some research, Trump was epsteins neighbor and there are a lot names that were on the island that haven’t been mention including Kimmel.

  31. #3741
    Hareeba!'s Avatar BARRELED IN @ SBR!
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    President Biden's speech today. Powerful, passionate, articulate, vital, inspiring.

    meanwhile .... "
    Over the seas and over our land. And then they want us to have clean. I said wait, we’re gonna be clean but it’s all flying. Just remember that. Does that make sense? In other words, it’s all coming through the currents through the air, they can name it"

    Trump says random people ask him “how do you put on your pants?” He says he doesn’t like to think about it because if he thinks about it, he won’t want to do it https://twitter.com/i/status/1743471630326911017

    and lying about Biden stuttering https://twitter.com/i/status/1743405503030624762

    "All I know about magnets is this, give me a glass of water, let me drop it on the magnets, that’s the end of the magnets" https://twitter.com/i/status/1743463970621862227
    Last edited by Hareeba!; 01-06-24 at 01:47 AM.

  32. #3742
    Hareeba!'s Avatar BARRELED IN @ SBR!
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    GOD MADE TRUMP https://twitter.com/i/status/1743306613497426058

    Love to get the take of the resident MAGAts on this video

    Do you wholeheartedly agree with it?

    or cringe?

    or ?

  33. #3743
    Optional's Avatar Moderator
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    Quote Originally Posted by DwightShrute View Post
    I never said that. Nice try.
    Quote Originally Posted by khicks26 View Post
    Sure you did. You said it was like a tour of the capital.
    Quote Originally Posted by DwightShrute View Post
    I never said that ever.

    Errr. You most definitely have said words to that effect.

    Give me 100/1 odds on a 79 point bet and I will go find the posts... if you really believe that you haven't ;-)
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  34. #3744
    I don't believe you ... please continue
    DwightShrute's Avatar SBR Aristocracy
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    Quote Originally Posted by Optional View Post
    Errr. You most definitely have said words to that effect.

    Give me 100/1 odds on a 79 point bet and I will go find the posts... if you really believe that you haven't ;-)
    Ahhh nope I never said J6 was a hoax. I never even thought it. I saw what happened like everyone else. Yes there are some events that happened that day which any reasonable person must question. Why did Pelosi refuse 10,000 national guards? Who planted the pipe bombs the day before? Why did the FBI have operatives in the crowd and how many were there? I have mentioned those, and others, many times. That’s probably what you are referring to.

    the vast majority of the people there that day were peaceful. They walked through the capitol peacefully and after a few minutes they left. This is a fact. I never pretended there wasn’t also a riot which took place. Both things can be true and they are here. It seems to me that the radical left and the fake news liberal press seems to believe that J6 was nothing but an insurrection. It’s wasn’t. No one has even been charged with insurrection. There were a few rioters and a lot of people who weren’t. We all seen it. The msm will have you believe otherwise. It’s quite comical how easily some people are lead to believe something so blatantly false even when they seen evidence with there own two eyes that contradicts it.

    Feel free to search my post history, but just as Geraldo opened Al Capone’s vault, you will come up empty.
    Last edited by DwightShrute; 01-06-24 at 10:58 AM.

  35. #3745
    slewfan's Avatar SBR Posting Legend
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    This is why Joe Biden wears diapers on stage.

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