I think I am spelling that correct. IMO, the best comedy series ever was Seinfeld, if you agree or don't agree that is okay but do you remember the one that was about a party and this Babka cake. I can't remember exactly but the crew wanted to buy something for a party and they decided on this Babka cake. I never ever even heard of it but I kept thinking about it and I assumed it was a Jewish speciality. I am pretty sure it is.

so in Wegmans the other day and guess what I see a Babka cake (I should get off my ass and look in the fridge if I have the spelling correct) so I buy the cinnamon variety and let me tell you something, it is wildly delicious. I have been watching my intake of sugar,red meat and processed meat now for about a year. I feel better, my blood numbers came into safe zone and I lost some weight. I now weight 14 lbs more than HS.

but this cake is good, I may be on a downward trend. if you are jewish you probably know all about this cake. my thoughts are if a store bought cake is this good how great must a homemade cake be. well this product was shipped form a bakery in Brooklyn, I think seinfeld took place in Manhattan, not positive.

you should try it and if you live in a metropolitan area or a near a big city you must have Jewish delis and Jewish bakeries all over the place.