Grace: Hello

you: hi

you: having trouble with a paysafe card

you: can you help?

Grace: Hello

you: my Spanish is terrible

Grace: What issue are you having?

you: I don't think the PIN they gave me is valid

you: the cashier seemed to activate the card correctly

you: but this is a guess since my Spanish is terrible

Grace: I will need the pin code

you: 0*62 2*02 3**9 3*61

you: i did this yesterday at pokerstars almost instantly

you: i wanted to try your wsop MTTS

Grace: How much is it worth?

you: 250 pesos, about 17.61 USD but ill take 17.50

Grace: PLease hold

you: ty

Grace: I will need your account username

you: bigmeanprop

Grace: Please hold

Grace: The deposit was declined

Grace: The pin may be incorrect

you: that's just great

you: so i am stuck?

Grace: You will have to check with the merchant William

you: yup i am stuck this is mexico. customer service is nada

you: my Spanish is nada

you: i am out 17.50

you: awesome

you: can you contact them and tell them they issued a defective pin or have them do a trace or something?

Grace: I am sorry I cannot contact them on your behalf

you: i purchased the card a about 130 pm in merida mexico

you: my Spanish is terrible

you: your customer support is legendary

you: i tried to cash it just now

you: here's a chance to win a customer forever who will sing your praises forever

you: heres your chance to be the employee of the year

Grace: Sorry I cannot contact Paysafe on your behlf

Grace: Behalf

you: can i talk to someone else?

Grace: I do value you as a member but that will not be possible

you: i am 1561 miles from home and just learning spanish

you: the culture in mexico is NOT a customer service culture

you: this makes things very simple actually

you: i learned a 17.50 lesson about paysafe and 888

Grace: Sorry you feel that way however I simply cannot make a contact on your behalf

Grace: If you have another payment option feel free to try that William

you: yeah, i buy them at THE SAME STORE

you: no chance

you: i have a gambling problem too

you: someone is going to make a lot of tourney fees off of me

Grace: Ok in that case your account will be blocked

you: that's fine

Grace: We do not condone such activity here at 888

you: thanks for all your help

Grace: All the best

Grace: The account will be blocked now

you: what activity?

you: oh the gambling problem

Grace: Yes

you: you are a hypocrite

you: i was beinf :funny"

you: you comprende humor?

you: lol

you: you do not condone it but it is the reason for your business

Grace: We do not make jokes where that is concerned

you: you are hilarious


Grace: Our business is Responsible gaming


you: lol

you: sure it is

you: so is mine

you: didn't you see my sarcasm font?

you: there was a way to handle this

you: but why should i help you at all when you are so fast to ban

you: why should i tell you how to grow you responsible gaming business

you: i cant tell you anything, you know everything, what you wont know is the pleasure of doing business with me or the feel of my money in your accounts

you: what you wont feel is the love of the people who see me as a hero for my courageous truth telling, my fearless pursuit of justice and my fantastic sense of humor

you: my hair is also known as very fabulous


you: are you still there?

Grace: I am here

you: i have minions

you: i am a semi famous writer

Grace: Ok

you: wow

you: thats cold

you: it didn't take you that long to write ok

Grace: Thank you for chatting with me William, Is there anything that I can assist you with further?

you: yes, you can unblock my account

you: and free up some of the 80 dollar bonus that got me here

you: i only got 8 so far

you: or was that a bait and switvh

you: *switch

Grace: If you received it how is it bait?

you: its not 80

you: bait is the way you trap your prey

Grace: The offer is as follows Simply play and we'll drop 10 x $8 gifts into your account as you go!

Grace: 1. Play any 888poker ring games & tournaments.

Grace: 2. Accumulate Status Points as you play.

Grace: 3. Receive an $8 gift for every 250 Status Points you earn


you: in this case your prey is "responsibl gamblers"

you: i guess what i heard about your customer service was bad intel

Grace: Sorry to hear

you: you aren't sorry

you: you are happy to hit the ban button admit it

you: you felt powerfuk

you: powerful

you: im just a nobosy

Grace: I am simply following procedure

you: and what is the procedure whan a customer asks to talk to someone else?

you: i can refer you to that line in this chat

you: the germans were just following orders too

you: and you are "sorry about that" too i guess

Grace: You can contact 12684844868 in this regard

Grace: We do not take your comments lightly

you: well you are losing the business of me and my minions, i get more minions every day i am their hero

Grace: Bye William

Grace: This conversation is going nowhere

Grace: Thank you for choosing us, .

you: thats you

Grace: Enjoy the game

Grace: Your account will be blocked because of your comments made in this chat session