So the word going around is that the Obama administration is planning on going after Wendy's. Obama obviously sides with McDonalds because they target minorities, especially blacks. Notice how pretty much every commercial for McDonalds features mostly minorities. But Wendy's targets middle to upper class and affluent whites, and are trying to steal marketshare away from McDonalds with this strategy. "It's better here" and "It's way better than fast food, its Wendy's" is seen by the Obama administration as derogatory toward McDonalds claiming that McDonalds doesn't have real food, and therefore McDonalds is duping minorities into buying their processed fake food. Wendy's therefore is carrying an elitist attitude toward the fast food industry and poking fun of minorities for eating at McDonalds. It won't be much longer until Obama/Holder get together and find a way to file a lawsuit against Wendy's for being racists/biased towards whites.

You heard it here first.