Option 1 prototype was DC$wamp! (My Avatar> link to thread#1)

Mascot option 2 is The
Washington Doomed Troopers

Poor Old Colonel Custer didn't have a chance...

Surely you guys know the jest of the history here right?Lol.

Team fight song is already well known..

What am I doin' here?
Please Mr. Custer, I don't want to go
Hey, Mr. Custer, please don't make me go
I had a dream last night about the comin' fight
Somebody yelled "attack!"
And there I stood with a arrow in my back.
Please Mr. Custer, I don't want to go (forward ho!) aw
Look at them bushes out there
They're moving and there's a injun behind every one
Hey, Mr. Custer-you mind if I be excused the rest of the afternoon?
Hey charlie, duck yer head!
Hm, you're a little bit late on that one, charlie
Ooh, I bet that smarts!
What am I doin' here?
Please Mr. Custer, I don't want to go
Listen, Mr. Custer, please don't make me go
There's a redskin a-waitin' out there, just fixin' to take my hair
A coward I've been called 'cause I don't want to wind up dead or bald
Please Mr. Custer, I don't want to go (forward ho) aw
I wonder what the injun word for friend is
Let's see friend kemo sabe, that's it
Kemo sabe!
Hey out there, kemo sabe!
Nope, that itn't it
Look at them out there
They're runnin' around like a bunch of wild Indians
Heh, heh, heh
Nah, this ain't no time for jokin'

Part 2
Please Mr.Sitting Bull
Give me back my hair