If you like fantasy sports then check out fansaloon.com. They have daily baseball right now and it is run by gamersaloon which I know for a fact is 100% legit bc I used to play there and they paid me via paypal with no issues every time I requested a payout. Im not advertising for this site or trying to make anybody join but I haven't logged on gamersaloon in a while and decided to tonight, and when I did I noticed they have added alot of stuff including fansaloon.

Anyways, say what u want about this post bc I don't care what any of u internet thugs say so try it out if u want or bash me bc u think im advertising if u want, idgaf

JJ and Nicky, im still waiting for my money from 2 years ago. u never got back to me when I posted my video u rich stingy bastards