Why the FOX news and financial networks whose 24-7-365 mission is to round up guests and politicians saying something has to be done about the national debt and budget deficit never touch on this subject is beyond me.Everyone has geezers in their family that go to the casinos that spend a nice chunk of change mindlessly pushing slots and video keno buttons.They shouldn't have the balls to call slots and keno machines gambling because people in comas can do it.These geezers don't get excited when they win 2 grand because it made them just break even for the week.

Then they have the balls to say how hard they had it as kids living through the depression or WW2 when things were rationed.The people I know are pushing 80 and they retired at 62 and have long,long ago drawn out more entitlement benefits than they ever contributed towards.Then many worked for companies that went bankrupt where the government pension guarantee corporation had to make good on their pensions.

It wouldn't be bad if these people just hid the fact they are being treated like royalty but they are the biggest whiners and moaners saying they will have to eat cat foiod to survive.It's amazing the early baby boomers who are tweeners that will have to contribute to the social ''ist''security and medicare ponzy schemes aren't rip roaring pissed off over these geezers taking and whining.I say the early baby boomers are tweeners because I'm assuming that the country will go bankrupt and have to reorganize where kids today will be lucky enough to not have to pay into these welfare programs they will never collect any benefits from.

The politicians and media are extremely afraid to talk about this stuff in fear that fascist AARP will come down on them like a ton of bricks.Has anyone here ever heard a politician say that alot of old people spend entitlement money on slot addictions? I have heard the commie lib politicians yodel about how seniors will have to be relegated to eat cat food though.Ya,I wouldn't doubt it for a second if some old geezer slot addicts have to eat cat food because they blew their wads on slot play.